
William Shakespeare Suggestion Session 2021-2022

William Shakespeare Suggestion Session 2021-2022

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Part- C


  1. Discuss how the play within the play contributes to the development of action in ‘Hamlet’. [2015, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. How far do Gertrude and Ophelia prove the validity of Hamlet’s observation on the frailty of women? [2014, 2017] ✪✪✪
  3. Do you agree that there was a method in Hamlet’s madness? So, why? [2016, 2018]
  4. What impression of Hamlet do you form from his soliloquies? [2015, 2019] ✪✪✪


  1. Comment on the view that Iago is more interesting than Othello. [2015, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Consider “Othello” as a domestic tragedy. [2015]
  3. Write a note on Shakespeare’s use of intrigues in “Othello.” [2019] ✪✪✪
  4. Discuss Othello as a tragic character. Or, sketch the character of Othello.

King Lear

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

আরো পড়ুন: Comment on Shaw’s Treatment of Love and Marriage.

  1. Make a comparative study of the three daughters in “King Lear.” [2015, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Sketch the character of Lear as a father. Or, King Lear is a tragedy of a father. Or, Lear is a foolish old man who deserves everything he gets. [2014, 2016, 2018]
  3. “The theme of blindness- both physical and emotional- is dramatically presented in the play King Lear” – Illuminate. [2016] ✪✪✪
  4. To what extent are Lear and Cordelia responsible for the tragic end of their life? [2017] ✪✪✪
  5. Comment on the dramatic irony that occurs in King Lear. [2018]

The Tempest

  1. Forgiveness and Reconciliation are the keynotes in the play “The Tempest” – Discuss. [2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Prospero is the dramatic centre of “The Tempest.” Show how. [2019] Or, sketch the character of Prospero. ✪✪✪
  3. Compare and contrast the characters Ariel and Caliban. [2014] ✪✪✪

Measure for Measure

  1. Discuss William Shakespeare’s handling of the theme of justice and mercy in “Measure for Measure.” [2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Evaluate Measure for Measure is a problem play. [2015]
  3. Examine the moral, social, and political atmosphere in Measure for Measure. [2017] ✪✪✪

Julius Caesar

  1. Comment on Julius Caesar as a political play. [2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Who is the real hero of the play, Julius Caesar? Brutus or Caesar? [2017] ✪✪✪
  3. “The opening scene of Julius Caesar strikes the keynote of the whole action.” – Elucidate. [2016, 2019] ✪✪✪

Less Important

  1. Comment on Shakespeare’s treatment of the supernatural elements in ‘Hamlet.’ [2020]
  2. Othello is the greatest tale of a man who loved excessively but loved not wisely.” – Elucidate. [2017, 2020]
  3. Discuss the theme of colonization as depicted in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” [2019]

আরো পড়ুন: What Does the ‘Moon’ Symbolize in The Glass Menagerie?

Part B


  1. Write about Hamlet’s procrastination in taking revenge in Hamlet.
  2. What are the palace intrigues hatched by Claudius against Hamlet? ✪✪✪
  3. In what sense does the “gravediggers’ scene” serve as a dramatic relief in Hamlet? [2020]
  4. Describe the encounter between Hamlet and Laertes. [2014, 2016] ✪✪✪
  5. Discuss the character of Gertrude in terms of her innocence. [2019] ✪✪✪
  6. How does Hamlet decide to catch the king’s conscience? [2019]


  1. Why Iago stands for motive-hunting of motiveless malignity. 
  2. What are the dramatic ironies in Othello?
  3. Discuss the element of chance/fate in Othello. ✪✪✪
  4. Discuss Iago as a Machiavellian character/artistic villain. [2018] ✪✪✪

King Lear

  1. What is the tragic flaw of Cordelia? [2020] ✪✪✪
  2. How does Lear judge his wicked daughters in the mock trial scene? [2014] ✪✪✪
  3. Bring out the significance of the storm scene in King Lear.
  4. Comment on the character and role of the Fool in King Lear.

The Tempest

  1. In what way is The Tempest romantic in substance but classical in form? [2015, 2018, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. What events cause Prospero to reveal his past to Miranda? [2016, 2019]
  3. Write about the relationship between Miranda and Ferdinand in The Tempest.  

Measure for Measure

  1. Briefly discuss Isabella’s role by mentioning the charges against Angelo. ✪✪✪
  2. What is Claudio’s offence, and how is he punished? [2014, 2019] ✪✪✪
  3. What condition does Angelo offer to Isabella to pardon Claudio’s life? [2016, 2018] 

আরো পড়ুন: Justify the Title of You Never Can Tell.

Julius Caesar

  1. How does Shakespeare handle the historical facts in the play Julius Caesar? [2015, 2018]
  2. How is Caesar assassinated in the Senate-house? [2015. 2018] ✪✪✪ 
  3. What is the significance of Caesar’s dying words- “Et tu Brute”? [2020] 
  4. Comment on Antony’s funeral speech in Julius Caesar. [2020] ✪✪✪
  5. How does Brutus justify the assassination of Caesar? [2019] ✪✪✪ 

Nota Bene

  • The questions of this course always are creative.
  • From the first 3 dramas, at least 4/5 broad questions will come InshaAllah.
  • From Hamlet and Julius Caesar, 4 short questions will come InshaAllah. 
  • We have designed this course in such a way that whatever questions come, you will be able to answer, InshaAllah. Follow our Summary Book and Handnotes.
Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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