
19th Century Novel Previous Year Brief (2013-2022)

19th Century Novel Previous Year Brief (2013-2022)

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Exam 2013

1. a) What is the pseudonym of Charlotte Bronte?

Ans: Currer Bell.

b) How did Tess die?

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

Ans: She was hanged as a punishment for murder.

c) Who is Sydney Carton?

Ans: Sydney Carton is an assistant of Stryver. His love for Lucie is the only bright spot in his life. He fulfils his promise by sacrificing his life for Lucie and Darnay.

d) Whom does Stryver insult as a ‘mincing Fool’?

Ans: Lucie Manette.

e) Who is Charlotte Lucas?

Ans: Charlotte Lucas is the eldest daughter in the Lucas family. She is a close friend of


g) Why does Darcy get rid of his pride?

Ans: Darcy gets rid of his pride as Elizabeth refuses his proposal.

h) Name the two cities mentioned in “A Tale of Two Cities”.

Ans: London and Paris.

আরো পড়ুনঃ 19th Century Novel Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)

i) How old is Jane?

Ans: Jane is almost twenty-three.

j) What did Tess name her child?

Ans: Sorrow.

k) How many sisters are there in Darcy’s family?

Ans: Fitzwilliam Darcy has one sister, Georgiana.

l) What is the name of Tess’ sister?

Ans: Liza Lu.

Exam 2014

1. a. What is Netherfield Park?

Ans: Netherfield Park is the name of the state Bingley has rented.

b. Who is Parson Tringham?

Ans: He is a clergyman in Marlott. He tells John Durbeyfield that his family is descended

from the noted D’Urberville family.

c. What is Westminster Hall?

Ans: Westminster Hall is the oldest building on the Parliamentary estate in


d. How many daughters did the Bennet family have?

Ans: The Bennet family had five daughters. They were Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and


e. In which school did Jane receive her education?

Ans: Lowood School.

f. Where and when was Tess raped by Alce?

Ans: Tess was raped by Alec in the Chase (একটা জঙ্গলের নাম) when she was returning from

fair and market of Chaseborough.

g. What do you know about the guillotine?

Ans: The guillotine is a machine designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading.

h. What is the name of the bank mentioned in “A Tale of Two Cities”?

Ans: Tellson’s Bank.

i. Where does Tess fall in love with Angel?

Ans: At Talbothays Dairy.

j. Who is Edward Rochester?

Ans: Edward Rochester is the owner of Thornfield Manor and Jane’s lover.

আরো পড়ুনঃ 19th Century Novel Brief Suggestion

k. Who is Lady Catherine De Bourgh?

Ans: Lady Catherine De Bourgh is Mr. Darcy’s aunt. She is arrogant, overbearing (কর্তৃত্বপ্রয়াসী), and domineering (দাম্ভিক).

l. What is the red room in Jane Eyre?

Ans: The “red room” is the frightening chamber in which Mr. Reed died. Jane was locked in the red room by her aunt. 

Exam 2015

1. a. What is the genre of ‘Pride and Prejudice’?

Ans: Novel of manners. Or a romance novel.

b. What is ‘Boz’?

Ans: ‘Boz’ is Dickens’s pseudonym.

c. Where do the Bennets live?

Ans: The Bennets live in the village of Longbourn, about a mile outside the small country town of Meryton.

d. How many years did Jane Eyre pass at Lowood School?

Ans: Jane spent eight years at Lowood School.

e. What is Saint Antone?

Ans: It is the suburb (শহরতলী) of Paris where the Defarges live. Its residents are extremely poor.

f. Name the two cities mentioned in “A Tale of Two Cities”?

Ans: London and Paris.

g. How does Jane extinguish the fire?

Ans: Jane brings a basin of water and tries to extinguish the fire by throwing the water over Rochester.

h. What is the name of Tess’ village?

Ans: Marlott.

i. Why does Tess write a letter to Angel Clare before the marriage ceremony?

Ans: Tess writes a confessional letter to Angel, telling him of her past, and slips it under his door.

j. What kind of lady was Mrs. Reed?

Ans: Mrs. Reed was a cruel woman.

k. Who represents ‘pride’ in ‘Pride and Prejudice’?

Ans: Darcy represents ‘pride’ in ‘Pride and Prejudice’.

l. How does Alec die?

Ans: Tess stabs him with a knife.

Exam 2016

a. What was the original title of the novel “Pride and Prejudice”?

Ans: The original title of the novel “Pride and Prejudice” was ‘First Impressions’.

b. Why did Charlotte Lucas marry Mr. Collins?

Ans: Charlotte Lucas married Mr. Collins because, at the age of twenty-seven, she quickly wanted to secure her financial situation and social standings.

c. What is Netherfield Park?

Ans: Netherfield Park is the name of the state Bingley has rented.

d. What two cities are mentioned in “A Tale of Two Cities”?

Ans: London and Paris.

e. Who are the two persons who look alike in “A Tale of Two Cities”?

Ans: Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay.

f. What is guillotine?

Ans: The guillotine is a machine designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading.

আরো পড়ুনঃ 20th Century Novel Special Brief Suggestion

g. What was the pseudonym of Charlotte Bronte?

Ans: Currer Bell.

h. Who is Sorrow?

Ans: Sorrow is Tess’s son by Alec D’Urberville. Sorrow dies in his early infancy.

j. Why is the manor Thornfield so-called?

Ans: Thornfield Hall represents the difficulty and joy which is an essential part of the novel.

j. Who is Jane’s Pupil at Thornfield?

Ans: Adele Varens.

k. What is Prince?

Ans: Prince is the name of the old horse that belonged to the Durbeyfield family.

l. What is the sub-title of Tess of the D’Urbervilles?

Ans: The sub-title of ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ is ‘A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented’.

Exam 2017

1. a. How many daughters did the Bennet family have?

Ans: The Bennet family had five daughters. They were Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine, and Lydia.

b. What kind of a woman is Lady Catherine de Bourgh?

Ans: Lady Catherine de Bourgh is a proud and arrogant woman.

c. What kind of novel is ‘A Tale of Two Cities’?

Ans: Historical novel.

d. What is the significance of Madame Defarge’s knitting in Dickens’ novel?

Ans: Her knitting is symbolic of maintaining a register of the names of people she intends to kill during the revolution.

e. What happened in Paris on July 14, 1789?

Ans: On July 14, 1789, the revolutionaries stormed the Bastille.

f. Why was Jane imprisoned in the red room?

Ans: Jane fought with her cousin John. As a result, Mrs. Reed imprisoned Jane to be locked in the red room.

g. What kind of lady was Mrs. Reed?

Ans: Mrs. Reed is a cruel woman.

h. What happened to the letter of Tess which was written before their marriage?

Ans: Tess writes a confessional letter to Angel, telling him of her past, and slips it under his door. However, Angel did not find it before their marriage.

i. Why did Tess murder Alec?

Ans: Tess murdered Alec because he had wronged her and he was the reason for her separation from Angel.

j. What is the Chateau?

Ans: It is the home of Monseigneur the Marquis and the scene of his assassination. It is burned during the revolution.

k. Why was Tess hanged to death?

Ans: She was hanged as a punishment for murdering Alec.

l. What is the name of Darcy’s estate?

Ans: Pemberley.

Exam 2018

1. a. Why is Jane afraid of the red room?

Ans: When Jane is locked in the red room by her aunt, she is afraid of her Uncle Reed’s ghost who died in the red room.

b. How was Prince killed?

Ans: When Tess and Abraham had fallen fast asleep, their carriage collided with the local mail cart and the collision killed Prince.

c. Why does Mr Bennet favour Lizzy?

Ans: Mr. Bennet thinks Lizzy is smarter than the rest of his daughters.

d. Where did Tess fall in love with Angel?

Ans: At Talbothay Dairy.

e. Who is Brocklehurst?

Ans: Mr. Brocklehurst is the corrupted and hypocritical superintendent of Lowood School.

f. What is the significance of the lion and the jackal?

Ans: Mr. Stryver is the lion and Sydney Carton is the jackal. Sydney renders his services to Stryver and Stryver takes all the credit for success.

g. Why does Miss Bingley get jealous?

Ans: Miss Bingley gets jealous because Darcy is interested in Elizabeth and ignores her.

h. Who is Joan Durbeyfield?

Ans: Tess’s mother.

i. Who is Helen Burns?

Ans: Helen Burns is Jane’s close friend at the Lowood School.

j. What is the relationship between Tess and Sorrow?

Ans: Sorrow is Tess’s son by Alec D’Urberville. Sorrow dies in his infancy.

k. How did Jane save Mr. Rochester’s life?

Ans: Jane saved Rochester’s life by dousing his bed with water.

l. Who destroyed Mr. Manette’s shoemaking tools?

Ans: Mr. Lorry and Miss Pross destroyed Mr. Manette’s shoemaking tools.

Exam 2019

a. What was the original title of the novel “Pride and Prejudice”?

Ans: “First Impressions”.

b. Who was the King of France at the time of France Revolution?

Ans: King Louis XVI.

c. What happened in Paris on July 14, 1789?

Ans: On July 14, 1789, the revolutionaries stormed the Bastille.

d. What is Sorrow?

Ans: Sorrow is Tess’s son by Alec D’Urberville. Sorrow dies in infancy.

e. Why did Tess murder Alec?

Ans: Tess murdered Alec because he had wronged her and he was the reason for her separation from Angel.

f. What is ‘Netherfield Park’?

Ans: ‘Netherfield Park’ is the name of the estate Bingley has rented.

g. What kind of lady was Mrs. Reed?

Ans: Mrs. Reed is a cruel woman.

h. What does the red room symbolize?

Ans: The red room symbolizes Jane’s passion, anger, and frightening internal power.

i. Name the two cities mentioned in ‘A Tale of Two Cities’.

Ans: London and Paris.

j. Why did Wickham agree to marry Lydia?

Ans: Wickham agreed to marry Lydia because Darcy paid all of Wickham’s debts and bought him a commission in the army.

k. Who is Edward Rochester?

Ans: Edward Rochester is the owner of Thornfield Manor and Jane’s lover.

l. Why was Tess hanged to death?

Ans: She was hanged as a punishment for murdering Alec.

Exam 2020

1. a. How many daughters did the Bennet family have?

Ans: The Bennet family had five daughters. They were Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and Lydia.

b. What kind of novel is ‘A Tale of Two Cities’?

Ans: Historical novel.

c. Why does Miss Bingley get jealous?

Ans: Miss Bingley gets jealous because Darcy is interested in Elizabeth and ignores her.

d. Who is Lucie Manette?

Ans: She is the beautiful and compassionate daughter of Dr. Manette. She becomes the wife of Charles Darnay.

e. What is Thornfield?

Ans: Thornfield is the manor of Mr. Rochester.

f. Who is Liza Lu?

Ans: Tess’s younger sister.

g. What is the full name of Rochester?

Ans: Edward Rochester.

h. What is the sub-title of the novel “Tess of the D’Urbervilles”?

Ans: ‘A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented’.

i. How old is Jane?

Ans: Jane Eyre is almost twenty-three.

j. Who is Sydney Carton?

Ans: Sydney Carton is an assistant of Stryver. His love for Lucie is the only bright spot in his life. He fulfils his promise by sacrificing his life for Lucie and her husband.

k. What is the name of the house the Reed family lived in?

Ans: Gateshead Hall.

l. What is Prince?

Ans: Prince is the name of the old horse that belonged to the Durbeyfield family.

Exam 2021

1. (a) Where do the Bennets live?

Ans. The Bennets live in the village of Longbourn, about a mile outside the small country town of Meryton.

(b) What are the two cities mentioned in the novel ‘A Tale of Two Cities’?

Ans. London and Paris.

(c) What was the Pseudonym of Charlotte Bronte?

Ans. Currer Bell.

(d) In which country did Angel become an immigrant?

Ans. Brazil.

(e) Write down one ironical line of the novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’.

Ans. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

(f) What is guillotine?

Ans. The guillotine is a machine designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading.

(g) Who was Jane’s student at Thornfield?

Ans. Adèle Varens.

(h) Who baptized Sorrow?

Ans. Tess herself baptized her child Sorrow.

(i) What is a novel?

Ans. A novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that tells a story about specific human experiences over a considerable length.

(j) Who are the two persons who look alike in the novel ‘A Tale of Two Cities’?

Ans. Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton.

(k) In which school did Jane receive an education?

Ans. Lowood School.

(l) Where did Tess first see Angel?

Ans. Tess first saw Angel at the May Day dance.

Exam 2022

1. (a) How does Jane Austen present the personality of Mrs. Bennet?

Ans. Mrs. Bennet is a woman of mean understanding, little information, and an uncertain temper.

(b) What is the significance of Madame Defarge’s Knitting?

Ans. Her knitting is symbolic of maintaining a register of the names of people she intends to kill during the revolution.

(c) How did Jane save Mr. Rochester’s life?

Ans. Jane saves Rochester’s life by dousing his bed with water.

(d) Who is Georgiana Darcy?

Ans. Georgiana Darcy is the younger sister of Fitzwilliam Darcy.

(e) Why did Tess murder Alec?

Ans. Tess murdered Alec because he had wronged her and he was the reason for her separation from Angel.

(f) Who was Alexandre Manette in “A Tale of Two Cities”?

Ans. Dr. Alexandre Manette was a French physician who was imprisoned for eighteen years in the Bastille, by the Marquis St. Evremonde.

(g) What is Sydney Carton’s opinion of himself?

Ans. “I am a disappointed drudge, sir. I care for no man on earth. And no man on earth cares for me.”

(h) What was the slogan of the French Revolution?

Ans. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death.”

(i) How did Jane become rich?

Ans. Jane became rich by inheriting a legacy of 20,000 pounds from her uncle, John Eyre.

(j) Where was Tess employed as a milkmaid?

Ans. At Talbothays Dairy.

(k) Who is Richard Mason in the novel “Jane Eyre”?

Ans. Richard Mason is the brother of Bertha Mason.

(l) What happened to Prince in Tess of the D’Urbervilles?

Ans. When Tess and Abraham had fallen fast asleep, their carriage collided with the local mail cart, and the collision killed Prince.

Shihabur Rahman
Shihabur Rahman
Hey, This is Shihabur Rahaman, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.



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