
Show the Distinction Between a Comparison Paragraph and a Contrast Paragraph

Question: Show the distinction between a comparison paragraph and a contrast paragraph.

A comparison paragraph and a contrast paragraph are two types of paragraphs used in academic writing. This type of paragraph demonstrates similarities and differences between two or more subjects. The main distinction between these two types of paragraphs is

The main focused topic: A comparison paragraph focuses on the similarities between two or more subjects. while a contrast paragraph focuses on their differences. 

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Purpose: A comparison paragraph highlights the similarities between two or more items, ideas, or concepts. On the other hand, a contrast paragraph aims to highlight the differences between two or more items, ideas, or concepts.

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Structure: In a comparison paragraph, the writer usually starts by introducing the items being compared and then proceeds to list their similarities in detail. But in a contrast paragraph, the writer usually starts by introducing the items being contrasted and then proceeds to list their differences in detail.

Language: The language used in a comparison paragraph is usually positive. It emphasizes the similarities between the items being compared. Words like “similarly,” “likewise,” and “in the same way” are commonly used. The language used in a contrast paragraph is usually negative and emphasizes the differences between the contrasting items. Words like “however,” “but,” and “on the other hand” are commonly used.

Also Read: What are the Differences Between Cohesion and Coherence?

Examples: “Both cats and dogs make great pets. They are loyal and provide companionship. Again, “Cats and dogs are very different pets. While dogs are loyal and enjoy being around people, cats are independent and can be aloof.

Shihabur Rahman
Shihabur Rahman
Hey, This is Shihabur Rahaman, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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