Assertive to Interrogative ✪✪✪
Rule 1: Sentence এ auxiliary verb থাকলে সেটি প্রথমে বসবে + not + বাকি অংশ+?
Affirmative: He is a student.
Interrogative: Isn’t he a student?
Rule 2: Sentence এ auxiliary verb না থাকলে verb এর tense এবং অনুযায়ী Do/does/did+not+subeject+base form of verb+ বাকি অংশ +?
আরো পড়ুনঃ Uses and Abuses of Facebook
Affirmative: He loves his parents.
Interrogative: Doesn’t he love his parents?
Affirmative: We hate terrorism.
Interrogative: Don’t we hate terrorism?
Affirmative: They played football.
Interrogative: Didn’t they play football?
Rule 3: Everybody/ everyone/all যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে interrogative এ রুপান্তর করার সময় Everybody/ everyone/all এর পরিবর্তে who বসে + Subject and tense অনুযায়ী don’t/ didn’t/ doesn’t বসে + verb এর base form + verb এর পরের অংশ +?
আরো পড়ুনঃ Smart Bangladesh
Assertive: Everybody wants to win.
Interrogative: Who doesn’t wish to win?
Assertive: Everybody/All loves flowers.
Interrogative: Who doesn’t love flowers?
Rule 4: Nobody/none/no one interrogative এ রুপান্তর করার সময়: Nobody/none/no one এর পরিবর্তে who বসে + বাকী অংশ + ?
Assertive: Nobody loves a corrupted person.
Interrogative: Who loves a corrupted person?
Rule 5: Assertive sentence এ never থাকলে ever হয় এবং nothing থাকলে anything হয় + auxiliary verb না থাকলে Subject and tense অনুযায়ী প্রথমে আনতে হয় + শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে।
আরো পড়ুনঃ Pahela Baishakh
Assertive: You never hate the poor.
Interrogative: Do you ever hate the poor?
Assertive: I have nothing to do?
Interrogative: Have I anything to do?
আর, Assertive sentence এর subject এ যদি nothing থাকে তাহলে nothing এর জায়গায় what বসে।
Assertive: Nothing can ruin him.
Interrogative: What can ruin him?