
Literary Criticism Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)

Literary Criticism Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)

Part B

The Study of Poetry

  1. What is Charlatanism?
  2. How does Arnold define 18th-century poetry or literature?  [NU. 2018] ★★★
  3. Why does Arnold call the 18th century an age of prose and reason? [NU. 2019, 2021] ★★★
  4. What is the Touchtone method? [NU. 2017]

The Metaphysical poets

  1. According to Eliot, what are the similarities between some Elizabethan dramatists and Metaphysical poets like Donne and Herbert? [NU. 2020]
  2. Make a comparison between Metaphysical Poets and Modern Poets. [NU. 2018, 2021] ★★★
  3. How does Eliot distinguish between ‘the unification of sensibility’ and ‘the dissociation of sensibility’? [NU. 2019, 2021] ★★★

Introduction to Culture and Imperialism

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  1. How does Edward Said define ‘culture’ with its twofold implications?  [NU. 2017, 2020] ★★★
  2. Discuss culture as an instrument of imperialism, according to Edward Said. [NU. 2018]
  3. Why does Edward Said call his ‘Culture and Imperialism’ an exile’s book?  [NU. 2017, 2019, 2021] ★★★
  4. Why does Edward Said admire Joseph Conrad? [NU. 2017, 2021] ★★★

The Rise of English

  1. Discuss Eagleton’s assessment of Arnold’s view of the role of literature as a substitute for religion. [NU. 2018, 2020] ★★★
  2. How does Eagleton evaluate ‘New Criticism’? [NU. 2020] ★★★
  3. How did the development of English help British imperialism flourish in the 19th century and onward? [NU. 2019]
  4. Why was the scrutiny project an absurd movement in the context of “The Rise of English?” [NU. 2019, 2021] ★★★


The Study of Poetry

  1. “Poetry is the criticism of life, governed by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty,” discuss it.  [NU. 2017, 2019, 2021] ★★★
  2. Critically analyze Arnold’s assessment of the poetry written in the 17th and 18th centuries in England. Or, how does Arnold evaluate Dryden, Pope, Gray, and Burns? Do you agree with him?
  3. Discuss Arnold’s views on the characteristics of good poetry.  [NU. 2017, 2021] ★★★

The Metaphysical poets

  1. How does Eliot distinguish between the intellectual poets and the reflective poets? Whom does he prefer, and why? [NU. 2021]
  2. How does Eliot praise Donne’s ability to unify the intellectual thoughts and sensation of feelings? Elucidate.  [NU. 2017, 2021] ★★★
  3. How does Eliot refute Johnson’s remark on the poets whom he classified as metaphysical? [NU. 2018, 2021] ★★★

Introduction to Culture and Imperialism

  1. According to Edward Said, in what sense is Conrad both imperialist and anti-imperialist? [NU. 2018, 2020] ★★★
  2. What nature of Western Imperialism is highlighted by Edward Sard in his “Introduction to Culture and Imperialism?” [NU. 2019] 
  3. Explain and illustrate the influence of post-colonialism on Edward Said.  [NU. 2017, 2021] ★★★

The Rise of English

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  1. What are Eagleton’s Views on ‘Romanticism’? [NU. 2018, 2021] ★★★
  2. Discuss the evolution of English from the 18th century to the present time with reference to Terry Eagleton’s “The Rise of English.” [NU. 2019, 2021]
  3. “The rise of English is connected with the growth and consolidation of imperialism,” Explain.  [NU. 2017, 2019, 2021] ★★★
Shihabur Rahman
Shihabur Rahman
Hey, This is Shihabur Rahaman, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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