
Modern Novel Suggestion Session 2021-22

Modern Novel Suggestion Session 2021-22

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Part C

The Old Man and the Sea

  1. What is a code hero? Would you call Santiago a Hemingway code hero from your reading The Old Man and The Sea? [2016, 2018, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. The Old Man and The Sea celebrates life and humanity”-Discuss. [2020]
  3. Trace out the major symbols in “The Old Man and the Sea”. [2016, 2019] ✪✪✪
  4. Assess the relationship between the old man and the boy Manolin. [2015, 2018] ✪✪✪

Lord of the Flies

  1. Evaluate the character of Ralph as the protagonist of the novel “Lord of the Flies”. [2018, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Justify the title of the novel Lord of the Flies. [2016, 2020] ✪✪✪
  3. Explain the significance of Coral Island in “Lord of the Flies”. [2011, 2019] ✪✪✪
  4. How are innocence and experience connected thematically in Lord of the Flies? [2018]

আরো পড়ুনঃ Critically Examine Hawthorne’s Puritanic Attitude in the Novel “The Scarlet Letter”.

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

The Scarlet Letter

  1. Bring out the dramatic significance of the Scaffold scenes in “The Scarlet Letter”. [2016, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Critically examine Hawthorne’s Puritanic attitude in the novel “The Scarlet Letter”. [2018, 2020] ✪✪✪
  3. Do you consider Hester Prynne a tragic character? Illustrate your answer. [2014, 2016, 2019] ✪✪✪
  4. Comment on the theme of ‘crime’ and ‘punishment’ as presented in Hawthorne’s ‘The Scarlet Letter’. [2017, 2019] ✪✪✪

Brave New World

  1. Justify the novel Brave New World as a science fiction. [2015, 2018, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. What is satire? Consider ‘Brave New World’ as a satire. [2017, 2019] ✪✪✪
  3. Evaluate the symbolic significance of John the savage in the novel “Brave New World”. [2018]


  1. Critically examine the instances of ‘bad faith’ as presented in the novel “Nausea”. [2018, 2020] ✪✪✪
  2. “Nausea” is a study of an individual trying to understand his relationship with the phenomena around him. Discuss. [2017] ✪✪✪
  3. Critically analyze the character of Antoine Roquentin in “Nausea”. [2016]

Part B

The Old Man and the Sea

  1. How does the Old Man kill the great marlin? [2020] ✪✪✪
  2. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated” – Locate and Explain. [2020] ✪✪✪
  3. How did Hemingway reflect modernism in The Old Man and the Sea? [2019] ✪✪✪
  4. Why can we see Santiago as a Christ figure? [2018]
  5. What moral victory does Santiago win in his battle with the hostile forces in The Old Man and the Sea? [2018] ✪✪✪
  6. What do the “lions” that Santiago dreams of signify? [2016]

Lord of the Flies

আরো পড়ুনঃ Do you Consider Hester Prynne a Tragic Character? Illustrate your Answer.

  1. Compare and contrast between the characters Ralph and Jack.
  2. What is the symbolic significance of the beast imagery in ‘Lord of the Flies’? Or, What does the “beastie” symbolize? ✪✪✪
  3. How did Piggy die in the novel “Lord of the Flies”? [2020] ✪✪✪
  4. Discuss the symbolic significance of “conch shell” and “glasses” in Lord of the Flies. [2015, 2017, 2019] ✪✪✪
  5. How did the society of the marooned children resemble a political state? [2019] ✪✪✪
  6. Describe the circumstances that led to the death of Simon. [2017]
  7. What is the significance of “mock-hunts” in Lord of the Flies?

The Scarlet Letter

  1. Write a short note on the use of symbols in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”. ✪✪✪
  2. What is the significance of the forest in The Scarlet Letter? [2020] ✪✪✪
  3. Describe the death scene of Dimmesdale. [2014, 2019] ✪✪✪
  4. Why is Chllingworth called a “leach” and later on compared to a ‘miner’? [2019] Or, the negative role of Chillingworth. [2015] ✪✪✪
  5. Describe Pearl’s personality and appearance. [2018]

Brave New World

  1. Why does John commit suicide at the end of the novel Brave New World? [2020] ✪✪✪
  2. What is the importance of “Soma” in Brave New World? [2014, 2016, 2019] ✪✪✪
  3. Explain Lenina’s importance in the development of the plot in the novel “Brave New World”. [2018]
  4. Asses the character of Linda. [2017]

আরো পড়ুনঃ Explain the Significance of Coral Island in “Lord of the Flies.”


  1. When does an epiphany occur in Roquentin in “Nausea”? [2020] ✪✪✪
  2. Discuss the theme of time and free will as depicted in Nausea [2019] ✪✪✪
  3. Discuss in brief the theme of isolation in Nausea. [2017, 2018] ✪✪✪

Nota Bene

  • From The Old Man and the Sea, Lord of the Flies,  and The Scarlett Letter, you will be able to write 6 questions, InshaAllah. 
Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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