Tricks for Paragraph Writing

প্যারাগ্রাফে কোন স্পেস দেয়া যাবেনা। একটানা লিখতে হবে। (1) Topic Sentence: (2) Body Sentences: (3) Conclusion: এই ৩টি পার্ট অবশই দিতে হবে এর মধ্যে। 

earn money
…………………(Topic Sentence: এখানে লিখতে হবে যে আপনি নিচে কি সম্পর্কে লিখতে যাচ্ছেন। ১ টি বাক্য লিখবেন।)……………………………

(Body: এখানে কমপক্ষে ৩টি বাক্য দিতে হবে। এই ৩টি বাক্যে Topic Sentence-এ যে বিষয় লিখলেন সেগুলোকে প্রমাণ করে দেখাতে হবে। তবে ভালো মার্কস পেতে হলে আপনি কমপক্ষে ১০-১২ টি বাক্য  এখানে লিখবেন।)

………………………… (Conclusion: এখানে ১টি  বাক্য  লিখবেন। এখানে পুরো পারাগ্রাফে কি লিখলেন তার সামারি দিতে হবে।)

৪ টি নিয়ম/কৌশল অনুসরণ 300+ Paragraph খুব সহজেই লেখা যায়। তবে অতিরিক্ত দুর্বল Students ছাড়া যাদের Basic মোটামুটি ভালো, তারা কোনরূপ Shortcut টেকনিক অবলম্বন না করে,কিভাবে Paragraph লিখতে হয় সেই নিয়ম শিখে নিবেন। এই সম্পর্কে আমাদের Literature Xpres ইউটিউব চ্যানেল থেকে ভিডিও দেখে নিন।

চলুন এবার ৪টি নিয়ম/কৌশল দেখে নেই।

(i) Problem, (ii) Science, (iii) Person, (vi) Virtue

(i) Problem: সমস্যা

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

  • List of Paragraph: Food Adulteration, Drug addiction, Smoking, Hartal day, Traffic jams, Environmental pollution, Acid throwing, Terrorism, Copping in the examination, Dengue, Dowry, Water pollution, Road accident, Price hike/Spiral, Deforestation, Load shedding, Eve Teasing, Street accident

যে কোন সমস্যামুলক paragraph আসলে এটা লিখলেই চলবে।

Bangladesh is a very small country. There are many problems in our country. Some of them are big and some of them are small. Some of them are preventable and some of them are unpreventable. It may be different only, such as food problems, Flood problems, population problems, dowry problems, and so on. (NP= Name of Paragraph) is one of them. (NP) is a great problem in our country. It is our created problem. There are various causes for this. Firstly, most of the people of our country are uneducated; secondly, we are usually backward. Thirdly, our government is also responsible for this vital problem. Fourthly, we are not economically self-sufficient. Finally, it is our political unrest that is responsible for this problem. But this problem is not out of solution. It can be solved if we try. Proper steps should be taken to solve this. A government or a man can not solve (NP) by himself. So we should all work hard to solve this problem. It is not only our national problem but also a worldwide problem. We can easily realize its effect of it. We hope that we will be able to overcome (NP) in the days to solve.

আরো পড়ুনঃ Digital Bangladesh Essay

(ii) Science: বিজ্ঞান

  • List of Paragraph: Computer, Television, Internet, Radio, Dish-antenna, Electricity, Any Science, Facebook, YouTube.

যে কোন বিজ্ঞান বিষয়ক paragraph আসলে এটা লিখলেই চলবে।

We live in an age of science. Modem civilization is the reflection of it. It is a blessing to mankind. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable, such as telephone, computer, internet, radio, electricity, dish-antenna, etc. They are very useful in our lives. We cannot think of our modern life without it. It has changed our life, society, and culture. It has both good sides and bad sides. If it is used for the welfare of mankind, it will be welcomed. But if it is used to destroy the human environment, the people do not welcome it. The invention of (the NP) has changed the world. It has a significant impact on the world. It works like the magic lamp of Aladdin; Now (NP) has become an essential part of our everyday life. We can not think of a single moment without it. We can not think of a single moment without it. We can do anything to position the negative with the help of it. But we should use it for the welfare of whole mankind.

(iii) Person: ব্যাক্তি

  • List of Paragraph: A fisherman, A teacher, A Social worker, Any Person

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যে কোন ব্যাক্তি বিষয়ক paragraph আসলে এটা লিখলেই চলবে।

We live in a society. We can see various types of people in it. Though all are unimportant, they are part and parcel of our society. They may be of different professions such as doctors, teachers, fishermen, poets, singers, players etc. (N.P) is one of them. He is a common person in your society. He is also an important person. (N.P) is an education/uneducated. He is very well. His truthfulness and honesty are unthinkable. (N.P) is a very busy person. The way of living of a (N.P.) is very simple. He is a good-natured person. His/her works are for the welfare of society. We like him very much for his simplicity and his friendly behaviour. Since he is part and parcel of our society. We must be careful about him. We must help him as much as we can. We can do anything positive in our society with the help of a (N.P).

(vi) Virtue: গুণ

  • List of Paragraph: Honesty, Discipline, Dignity of labour, Truthfulness, Patriotism, Kindness, Friendship, Good behaviour, Industry, Education, Courtesy/Honesty/Discipline, 

(N.P) is the most valuable and powerful element of success in life. Without it, there would be cause and confusion in the society. So, it is necessary in all spheres of our lives. It is the key to success in life. If we list successful people who have acquired high proficiency in their respective vocations. We will find that their success depends mainly upon this great virtue. Though (N.P.) is a mental faculty and an invisible quality, its effect is greatly felt. It is more valuable than money. It is to be prized on its account. It brings great rewards for human life. It dignifies every station, builds up every person, and advances every society. Without it, man can earn respect. (N.P.) is also the backbone of one’s existence. Without it no man can not accomplish anything great or glorious in life. Without it, a man loses every charm of life and all other virtues and thus becomes unfit for a helpful existence. Those who have risen in their respective vocations have done simply by dint of it. Therefore, everybody should have it at any cost; the earlier, the better.

Shihabur Rahman
Shihabur Rahman
Hey, This is Shihabur Rahaman, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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