
Flood in Bangladesh

Flood in Bangladesh ✪✪✪

Bangladesh, a small South Asian country, is often called the “Land of Rivers.” Its abundant water resources have contributed to its agricultural productivity and made it vulnerable to natural disasters, particularly floods. The annual monsoon rains and the country’s low-lying topography create the perfect conditions for recurring floods. This essay will explore the various aspects of floods in Bangladesh, focusing on eight key points.

What flood is: The rainwater that overflows the banks (the danger points) of the rivers submerges a vast land area and damages crops, properties, houses, poultry farms, and lives, which is known as a flood.

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Causes of Floods: There are many causes of floods. It is caused by heavy rainfall. During the rainy season, it rains cats and dogs (in torrents) for days together. As a result, flood visits in our country. Cyclones, tidal bores, and earthquakes also cause floods in Bangladesh. The recent floods: The most devastating floods occurred in Bangladesh in 1954, 1955, 1960, 1970, 1974, 1988, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2004 and 2007. The flood of 1998 broke off the records of the past. Then, almost the whole country was flooded. Thousands of people became homeless and helpless, and many people lost their valuable lives.

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Rivers of Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a low-lying deltaic country with three major river systems: the Padma, Brahmaputra, and Meghna. These rivers and their tributaries crisscross the nation, creating a complex network of waterways. As a result, a substantial portion of the country is prone to seasonal flooding, making it one of the most flood-prone nations in the world.

Season of Flood: The monsoon season in Bangladesh typically occurs from June to October, during which the country receives heavy rainfall. These monsoon rains, combined with the meltwater from the Himalayan snow, lead to the swelling of rivers and subsequent floods, affecting millions of people each year.

Bad Effects: Flood causes great havoc. It brings untold loss and suffering to men, animals, trees, roads, bridges, properties, and crops. Crops are damaged, trees are uprooted, and houses are washed away. Many men and animals lose their lives. People become homeless and helpless. Roads and bridges are damaged. Communication links are cut off/suspended during floods. Food production is lessened. Normal life is greatly hampered.

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Damage to Crops: Agriculture is the backbone of Bangladesh’s economy, and floods significantly impact this sector. Crops are often destroyed by inundation, leading to food shortages, decreased income for farmers, and economic instability. Crop damage due to floods has far-reaching consequences on food security and livelihoods.

Displacement of People: One of the most significant consequences of flooding in Bangladesh is the displacement of people from their homes. Families must evacuate to higher ground or take refuge in overcrowded relief shelters. The displacement disrupts lives, education, and daily routines, and it can lead to the loss of property and possessions.

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Damage to Infrastructure: Floods cause extensive damage to infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and buildings. The transportation network is disrupted, making it difficult for relief efforts to reach affected areas and hindering economic activities. Rebuilding and repairing infrastructure post-flood requires significant investments.

Expansion of Diseases: Floods in Bangladesh can lead to various health risks. Stagnant floodwaters create breeding grounds for waterborne diseases like cholera and dengue. Moreover, overcrowded relief shelters and limited access to clean water and sanitation facilities exacerbate these health threats.

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Alleviation of Damages: With the assistance of international organizations, Bangladesh’s government has been actively involved in flood alleviation efforts. This includes building embankments, constructing flood shelters, and investing in early warning systems. The Bangladesh Water Development Board plays a vital role in these initiatives.

The effects of climate change further complicate the situation. Rising sea levels, increased intensity of rainfall, and more frequent extreme weather events are expected to exacerbate the flood situation in Bangladesh. Climate change adaptation strategies, including improved disaster preparedness, will be crucial to addressing these challenges.

In conclusion, floods in Bangladesh are a recurring and devastating natural disaster that affects millions of people, disrupts the economy, and poses significant challenges to the nation’s development. While the country has made considerable efforts to mitigate the impact of floods, the ongoing threat of climate change makes investing in more sustainable and long-term solutions imperative. Bangladesh’s resilience in the face of such adversity is a testament to the determination and strength of its people. Still, international support and cooperation are also crucial to address this ongoing challenge.

Shihabur Rahman
Shihabur Rahman
Hey, This is Shihabur Rahaman, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.



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