
Literary Term Novel

Literary Term Novel

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A novel is a long-form fictional narrative typically involving characters, a plot, settings, and themes. Novels often explore various aspects of the human condition. Novels come in various genres, such as mystery, romance, science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction. They offer a deeper exploration of characters and their development over time within a structured storyline.

Some common characteristics often found in novels include:

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  • Narrative Prose: Novels are typically written in prose. Novel tells a story through a continuous narrative rather than in verse or poetic form.
  • Length: Novels are longer than short stories. A novel allows for more extensive character development, intricate plotlines, and detailed settings. While there’s no strict word count, Novels generally exceed 40,000 words.
  • Complex Characters: Novels often feature well-developed, multifaceted characters with distinct personalities, motivations, and turns.
  • Plot and Storyline: Novels have a central plot that unfolds over time. Novels involve various events, conflicts, and resolutions. They might have subplots that add depth and complexity to the main story.

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  • Setting: A novel typically takes place in various settings, including real, imagined, historical, futuristic, or a blend.
  • Themes and Messages: Novels frequently explore broader themes, social issues, philosophical questions, or moral dilemmas. Novels offer readers deeper insights into life, society, or human nature.
  • Narrative Perspective: Novels can be written from different narrative perspectives, such as first-person (using “I”), third-person limited (focused on one character’s perspective), or third-person omniscient (knowledge of multiple characters’ thoughts and feelings).
  • Structural Elements: Novels might include chapters or sections to organize the narrative. This allows for breaks and transitions within the story.

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  • Language and Style: Authors employ various literary devices, writing styles, and techniques to engage readers, create atmosphere, and convey emotions.
  • Emotional Impact: Novels often aim to evoke emotions in readers. 

These characteristics vary widely across different genres and styles of novels. These contribute to the richness and diversity of a novel.

Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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