
Modern Novel Brief Solution Masters 2019-20

a.Who is Manolin?

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Ans. Manolin is a boy about 10 to 12 years and a pupil/student of Santiago.

b) What does Santiago dream of?

Ans. Santiago dreams of when he sailed to Africa on a sailing ship as a boy and saw lions come down and play like cats on the beach.

(c) Who is Lord of the Flies?

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Ans. The dead pig’s head. Allegorically Beelzebub.

(d) How old are the boys marooned on the unnamed island?

Ans. Between six and twelve.

 e) What is the significance of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter?

Ans. Symbol of Hester and Dimmesdale’s adultery.

(f) What is the setting of the story of The Scarlet Letter?

Ans. The Scarlet Letter is set in the Puritan Colony of Salem, Massachusetts during the 1640s.

(g) What is the function of Soma? 

Ans. Soma drives away the normal pain and inspires the people of the World State towards sexual activities.

(h) How was John the Savage born?

Ans. John was born to Linda, a woman from the World State, who got pregnant by Tomakin while visiting a savage Reservation.

(i) What kind of world do you find in Brave New World?

Ans. The World State in Huxley’s Brave New World is a world without emotion, religion, or moral values, and human nature is molded by scientific and technological means.

(j) Who is Antoine Roquentin?

Ans. The protagonist and narrator of Nausea.

(k) When does Roquentin’s nausea vanish?

Ans. When the barmaid plays the lyrics, his nausea vanishes 

(l) What is the belief of the existentialists about man’s existence?

Ans. Existentialists believe that man is essentially miserable, lonely and the desire for happiness is a myth.


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