
Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2018

Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2018


ENGLISH                                               মাফা-১০/2018

Subject Code: 311107

(Modern Drama)

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

Time-4 hours             Full marks-80

Part A

(Answer any ten questions)



a) What is New Theatre?

google news

Ans. A theatrical organization which was established in London.

b) What is the message of the drama ‘You Never can Tell’?

Ans. Uncertainty of future.

c) Why does Eben consider himself to be the prize winning cock of the farm?

Ans: Because he wants to be able to make love to Cabot’s new wife, Abbie.

d) Who is Rachel?

Ans. The daughter of Laban and younger sister of Leah,and Jacob’s first wife.

e) What are the symbols used in the play Death of Salesman?”

Ans. Seeds, diamonds, Linda’s and the Woman’s stockings, the rubber horse.

f) In what sense in Biff a failure?

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Ans. Biff is aimless.He is not able to hold a real job. He hopes from job to job after high school and is concerned that he wasted his life.

g) Why did the Salesman die?

Ans. He commits socide to provide his family with financial security.

h) What does D.A.R stand for?

Ans. ‘Daughters of the American Revolution’.

i) Why does Amanda consider Tom as her ‘right handed bower’?

Ans. Because she doesn’t like her son, Amanda acts like the ultimate controlling mother,using every possible emotional trick to get her own way.

j) What does the broken unicorn symbolize?

Ans. The change to a more ordinary person Laura makes after her heart is broken.

k) Why is Valentine called a five shilling dentist?

Ans. Because he charges five shillings for everything such as removing teeth, giving gas etc.

I) What is a Merchant Marine?

Ans. The fleet of ships that carried imports and exports during peacetime and became a naval auxiliary during wartime to deliver troops and war materials.

Part B

(Answer any five questions)


2. How does Shaw satirize Victorian ‘modern’ relationships in You Never Can Tell?

3. Discuss the theme of lonliness in Desire Under the Elms? 

4. What made Willy Loman commit suicide?

5. What does Williams say about the role of the poet in The Glass Menagerie? 

6. Who conveys the message at  the end of You Never Can Tell and what is


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7. What elements of naturalistic play do you find in Desire Under the Elms? 

8. Write a short note on the character of Biff Loman.

9. Explain with reference: It doesn’t matter, May be it’s a blessing in disguise. 


(Answer any five questions) 


10. Justify the title of the play You Never Can Tell. 

11. Comment on Shaw’s art of characterization in You Never Can Tell.

12. Analyze the relationship between the father and his sons in O’Neil’s Desire Under the Elms.

13. How did the feelings of mother fixation influence Eben in his youth? 

14. Make an essay on dramatic technique employed by Arther Miller in Death of a Salesman.

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15. Briefly discuss the relationship between Willy Loman and his sons. 

16. What symbols does Tennessee Williams use in the play The Glass Menagerie?

17. Discuss The Glass Menagerie as a memory play.

Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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