
Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2020

Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2020


ENGLISH                                               মাফা-৯/২০২০

Subject Code: 311103

(William Shakespeare)

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

Time-4 hours             Full marks-80

Part A

(Answer any ten questions)



(a) Why is Fortinbras of Norway preparing for war against Denmark?

google news

Ans: To recover Norwegian lands.

(b) Why and how does Brutus commit suicide? 

Ans: Being certain of defeat, Brutus orders Strato, who reluctantly follows the order of Brutus and fatally wounds him.

(C) How did Caesar become the ruler of Rome?

Ans: In 45 BC, Caesar inflicted a crushing defeat upon the two sons of Pompey and became the undisputed ruler of Rome.

(d) How does Polonius die? 

Ans: Hamlet draws his sword through the tapestry and kills polonium.

(e) Why did lago envy Othello?

Ans: Because Othello promoted Cassio to the post of lieutenant of Othello, not Iago.

(f) How does lago obtain Desdemona’s handkerchief?

Ans: Iago snatches away the handkerchief from his wife Emaila who got Desdemona’s handkerchief.

আরো পড়ুন: Discuss the Character of Gertrude in Terms of Her Innocence.

(g) What is Cordelia’s answer to the question of her love to the king, her father?

Ans: “I love your majesty. According to my bond; no more nor less.”

(h) Why does Edgar pretend to be a bedlam-beggar? 

Ans: To save himself from the men who are trying to track him down.

(i) What kind of play is Measure for Measure?

Ans: Tragedy-comedy. / dark comedy

(j) Who is Sycorax?

Ans: Witch. She was controlling the island before Prospero’s arrival.

(k) What request does Miranda make to her father in favour of Ferdinand?

Ans: She begs her father to be merciful to Ferdinand.

(l) What plea does Isabella make to the Duke?

Ans: Mariana begs for Angelo’s life and persuades Isabella to join in the plea, despite Claudio’s death. Isabella begs the duke to spare Angelo.


(Answer any five questions)


2. In what sense does the ‘gravediggers’ scene’ serve as a dramatic relief in Hamlet? 

3. Explain with reference “Frailty, they name is woman”. 

4. Why was Othello duped so easily by lago? 

5. What is the tragic flaw in the character of Cordelia? 

আরো পড়ুন: Bring out the Significance of the Storm Scene in King Lear

6. In what way is ‘The Tempest’ romantic in substance but classical in form? 

7. What are Isabella’s charges against Angelo? 

8. Comment on Antony’s funeral speech in Julius Caesar. 

9. What is the significance of Caesar’s dying words “Et tv Brute”?


(Answer any five questions) 


10. Comment on Shakespeare’s treatment of the supernatural elements in “Hamlet

11. Comment on the view that lago is more interesting than Othello. 

12. Comment on Julius Caesar as political play. 

13. Discuss how the play within the play contributes to the development of action in ‘Hamlet.

14. Discuss William Shakespeare’s handling of the theme of justice and mercy in “Measure for Measure.” 

আরো পড়ুন: Discuss the Element of Fate in Othello.

15. Make a comparative study of the three daughters in King Lear. 

16. Forgiveness and Reconciliation are the key notes in the play ‘The Tempest -Discuss. 

17. “Othello is the greatest tale of a man who loved excessively but loved not wisely”. Elucidate. 

Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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