
Restoration and 18th-Century Fiction Brief Suggestion 2018-19

  1. What kind of a is Oroonoko?

Ans: Anti-colonial book.

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  1. Why does Oroonoko kill Imoinda?

Ans: To remove her subjugation and suffering after his death.

  1. What is Royal veil?

Ans: A gift from the king to a woman.

  1. How long did Crusoe stay in Brazil?

Ans: Four years.

  1. Why was gunpowder very important to Crusoe?

Ans: Because with this he could hunt animal for his food and save himself from any wild beast.

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  1. What was Crusoes original sin?

Ans: Disobeying his fathers’s command mother’s entreaties.

  1. Who was Sophia?

Ans: Heroine of the novel, “Tom Jones”.

  1. What is the subject matter of the novel Tom Jones?

Ans: Human nature.

  1.  Who were Big-Endian?

Ans: The people who follow the primitive style of breaking eggs.

  1. Where did Gulliver stay as a captive in Lilliput?

Ans: In an ancient temple.

  1.  Who was High Admiral of Lilliput?

Ans: Skyresh Bolgolam.

  1.  Who discovered Surinam?

Ans: The British settlers.

  1.  Who is the narrator in Oroonoko?

Ans: Aphra Behn.

  1.  What does the numb eel symbolize?

 Ans: Oroonoko’s desire for power.

  1.  How long Crusoe stay at the isolated Island?

Ans: Twenty-eight years two months and nineteen days.

  1.  How did Tom help Black George in the long run?

Ans: By selling his own horse.

  1.  Why did Tom buy a sword?

Ans: To take revenge on ensign Northerton.

  1.  With whom did Sophia stay in the city of London?

Ans: Lady Bellaston.

  1.  Why did female Yahoo attack Gulliver during his bathing in the river?

Ans: Because she felt sexual feeling.

  1.  What did Crusoes father want him to study?

Ans: To study Law.

  1.  How was Crusoe turned into a slave from a merchant?

Ans: Crusoe’s ship was attacked by the pirates and Crusoe was taken as prisoner into Sallee and then he was turned into a slave.

  1.  Whom do the Lilliputians represent allegorically?

Ans: The Englishmen.

  1.  Who was Jenny Jones?

Ans: Mrs. Allworthy’s servant.

  1.  What is the setting of the novel Oroonoko?

Ans: Surinam.

  1.  What is a picaresque novel?

Ans: Episode style-based dealing with the life style of dishonest and rough but attractive hero is called picaresque novel.

  1.  Why was Tom imprisoned in London?

Ans: On the charge of an attempt to murder Mr. Fitzpatrick.

  1.  Describe the beauty of Imoinda?

Ans: Very beautiful, charming, attractive and modest.

  1.  How does Oroonoko fall in love with Imoinda?

Ans: When he sees her exceptional beauty and modest.

  1.  Who is Caesar?

Ans: Oroonoko’s new Christian name given by Trefry.

  1.  What did Crusoes father advise him about his ambition?

Ans: According to his father, adventure was only for either the rich or the poor not for the middle class. He advised him to study law.

  1.  How did Crusoe build his habitation in the island?

Ans: He built a home and then made a table and chair and necessary goods and started cultivation.

  1.  How did Crusoe witness a group of cannibals feasting on human flesh?

Ans: Crusoe suddenly saw a fire on the shore and saw that some naked savages sat near the fire and began to eat human flesh.

  1.  Why did Crusoe decide at last to sell Xuny to the captain?

Ans: Because the captain promised him to release Xuny after ten years if he was faithful and turned into Christian.

  1.  Who was Crusoes neighbour in Brazil?

Ans: A Portuguese from Lisbon named Mr. Wells.

  1.  What is Otan?

Ans: Otan is the name of the place where harem of the African king was kept.

  1.  What is the nationality of Imoinda?

Ans: African.

  1.  Who was Byam?

Ans: Deputy-governor of Surinam.

  1.  Where was Lagadu?

Ans: The metropolis of the flying island, Laputa.

  1.  In which novel do you get the description of Surinam?

Ans: In “Oroonoko”.

  1.  How did Gulliver reach the island of Laputa?

Ans: The pirates left him in Laputa seizing all of his belongings.

  1.  How did Gulliver impress the Queen.?

Ans: By answering all of her questions successfully.

  1.  Why did Gulliver seize the fleet of Blefuscu?

Ans: To save Lilliput.

  1.  What is black Friday?

Ans: Punishment day.

  1.  What does the name Allworthy signify?

Ans: The name holder is worthy, generous and helpful to the poor.

  1.  How does Oroonoko receive his poetic justice?

Ans: By becoming slave from slave trader.

  1.  How was Gulliver taken to the capital city from the sea-shore?

Ans: By binding him down to a kind of stretcher pulled by fifteen hundred of the emperor’s largest horses, each about four inches and a half high.

  1.  Who did Miss Bridget marry in Tom Jones?

Ans: Captain Blifil.

  1.  What name did Crusoe give to the rescued man?

Ans: Friday.

  1.  What was the name of the metropolis of Brobdingnag?

Ans: Lorbrulgrad or the Pride of the Universe.

  1.  How many seamstresses were employed to prepare dress for Gulliver?

Ans: Two hundred.

  1.  How did Oroonoko learn humanity?

Ans: From the old general, the father of Imoinda.

  1.  What are the two races mentioned in Part IV of Gullivers Travels?

Ans: Yahoos and Houyhnhnms.

  1.  Which port of France did Crusoe take ship from?

Ans: Port of Calais.

  1.  What is the title of the 4th part of Gullivers Travels?

Ans: “A Voyage to the Land of the Houyhnhnms.”

  1.  How was Gulliver called by the Lilliputians?

Ans: “Quinebus Flestrine” or Man-Mountain.

  1.  Who is the real mother of Tom Jones?

Ans: Bridget Allworthy.

  1.  When does Oroonoko see Imoinda for the first time?

Ans: In his grandfather’s court.

  1.  How did Gulliver escape from the island of Lilliput to Blefuscu?

Ans: Gulliver escaped from the island of Lilliput by Crossing the Channel to Blefuscu.

  1.  What is Coramantien?

Ans: British-held fort and slave market on the Gold Coast of Africa.

  1.  Who is Banister?

Ans: A rich Irishman and killer of Oroonoko.

  1.  How did Robinson build a raft?

Ans: Using broken lumber, scrap pieces of the ship’s wood.

  1.  Who is Xury?

Ans: A young boy who is loyal to Robinson.

  1.  Who is Flimnap?

Ans: Flimnap is the Lord High Treasurer of Lilliput.

  1.  What was the name of the ship of the first voyage of Gulliver?

Ans: Antelope.

  1.  Who is Molly Seagrim?

Ans: Tom’s first love.

  1.  What is the name of Allworthys sister?

Ans: Miss Bridget Allworthy.

  1.  What is Surinam?

Ans: Colony in America.

  1.  Who brings Oroonoko to Surinam/

Ans: A British slave trader.

  1. Who is Aboan?

Ans: Oroonoko’s friend.

  1.  Who were the secret enemies of Gulliver in Lilliput?

Ans: Skyresh Bolgolam and Flimnap.

  1.  What kind of novel is Tom Jones?

Ans: A novel of manner.

  1.  What kind of writing is Gullivers Travels?

Ans: A satirical fiction.

  1.  What title was awarded to Gulliver for his valiant deed in Lilliput?

Ans: Nardic.

  1.  What is the subject matter of the novel Oroonoko?

Ans: Slavery system.

  1.  Where was Robinson Crusoe born?

Ans: In the city of York in 1632.

  1.  How did Gulliver start his third voyage?

Ans: As a surgeon in William Robinson’s ship.

  1.  What is the setting of the novel Tom Jones?

Ans: Somersetshire and London in the first half of the 18th century.


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