Shakespeare Quotation for Masters
- কোর্স টপিক
- nu masters
- Shakespeare
Ruhul Amin Robin
Hey, This is Ruhul Amin, B.A & M.A in English Literature from National University. I am working on English literature and career planning.
ফেসবুক পেইজ
কোর্স টপিক
nu 4th year404Nu 1st Year314nu 2nd year279nu masters259NTRCA229MA227NTRCA Written224NTRCA school129Modern Drama113NTRCA Written School113NTRCA English103NTRCA College101Modern Poetry97Romantic Poetry79William Shakespeare77Introduction to Poetry64Introduction to Drama62English Writing Skills58Introduction to Prose58Introduction to Sociology57nu 3rd year57Modern Novel56American Poetry56History of English Literature5120th Century Poetry50Classics in Translation48Literary Criticism4820th Century Novel45American Literature4419th century novel43Chaucer42Robert Frost41Prose40Literary Term38Political Theory37Brief Solution36South Asian and African Literature33WB Yeats32Bangladesh Society and Culture29Political System of UK and USA28Shakespeare28Bangladesh Sociology28History of Emergence of Independent Bangladesh28Figures of Speech25Dylan Thomas24Walt Whitman23Introduction to Social Work22William Blake21previous years brief20Suggestions19Nathaniel Hawthorne19NU19brief suggestion19George Bernard Shaw19Ernest Hemingway18john keats18Linguistics17Victorian Poetry17Seamus Heaney17T.S. Eliot16