
Suggestion of 20th Century Poetry Exam 2022(বাংলায়)

Suggestion of 20th Century Poetry Exam 2022

Part- C

William Butler Yeats

  1. Comment on W. B. Yeats’ treatment of history and myth in his poetry. Or, Write a note on Yeats’ conception of history and civilization.  
  2. Write a note on the symbols used by Yeats with references to the poem you have read.” Or, critically comment on Yeats’ use of symbols. Or W. B. Yeats has been described as a symbolist.
  3. What personal elements do you find in Yeats’ poetry? Or How does Yeats use personal elements in his poetry? 
  4. Sailing to Byzantium deals with Yeats’ journey from the sensual to the spiritual world. Discuss.

আরো পড়ুনঃHow Does Conrad Treat the Theme of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness?”(বাংলায়)

T.S. Eliot

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

  1. What elements of irony do you find in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock? Or What irony do you find in the title of the poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and how does it run throughout the poem? Or, Explain the irony inherent in the title The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.  
  2. Discuss how T. S. Eliot reflects the disorder and decay of modern civilization in The Waste Land. Or, Show how Eliots’ The Waste Land reflects the disorder and decay of modern civilization. Or, What does Eliot say about the decadence of modern civilization in The Waste Land?   
  3. Write a note on the theme of salvation in the poem ‘The Waste Land’.
  4. What are the symbols used by the poet in The Waste Land? Or, Discuss the use of imagery in The Waste Land. 
  5. How does Eliot make a link between the past and the present in The Waste Land?  Or, Comment on T. S. Eliot’s use of myth in The Waste Land. Or, how does T. S. Eliot make a link between the past and present in The Waste Land? Or, how has the poet fused the past and the present in The Waste Land? Or, Comment on the use of myths in The Waste Land. Or, Discuss parallelism in The Waste Land.

Dylan Thomas

  1. Discuss the use of symbols in the poem of Dylan Thomas with reference to “Poem in October.”  
  2. Critically appreciate the poem “Poem in October.”
  3. How does Dylan Thomas treat his childhood in his “Poem in October” poem? Or, Describe the treatment of childhood in the poem “Poem in October.”  

Sylvia Plath

  1. How does Sylvia Plath present motherhood in her poem Morning Song? Or, Note the theme of motherhood in the poetry of Sylvia Plath with special reference to Morning Song.  
  2. Comment on the poetic technique of Sylvia Plath.  
  3. Write a critical appreciation of the poem Crossing the Water.
  4. Write a critical appreciation of the poem The Rival. 

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William Butler Yeats

  1. Trace Yeats’ changing attitude to contemporary Irish revolutionaries.  
  2. In what sense is The Lake Isle of Innisfree a poem about escapism?  
  3. What is Yeats’ attitude to old age in the poem Sailing to Byzantium?  
  4. What does Innisfree Symbolise?
  5. Write a note on ‘Spiritus Mundi’.

T.S. Eliot

google news
  1. Bring out the ironic implications of the title The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock. Or, Explain the significance of the title, The Love Alfred Prufrock.  
  2. Comment on the inner conflict of Prufrock. Or, What is the problem with Prufrock?  
  3. Why is Prufrock not willing to compare himself with Hamlet? Or, Why is Prufrock unwilling to compare himself to Hamlet?  
  4. “The Waste Land is a sign for vanished glory of past.”-Explain.  
  5. Why is ‘April’ cruel to the Waste Landers?  
  6. Analyze T. S. Eliot’s treatment of sex in ‘The Fire Sermon.’  
  7. Depict the life of the Waste Landers. Or, Comment on the life of the Waste Landers.
  8. Why is London called an ‘unreal city”?
  9. Write a note on the Holy Grail’.
  10. What is the significance of the three ‘Da’s in The Waste Land?
  11. Discuss the significance of the character of Madame Sosostris in The Waste Land.

আরো পড়ুনঃDiscuss how T. S. Eliot Reflects the Disorder and Decay of Modern Civilization in his Poem ‘The Waste Land’.(বাংলায়)

Dylan Thomas

  1. What prayer does Dylan Thomas offer at the end of the poem “Poem in October”?  
  2. Trace different images used in Poem in October.
  3. Trace the poet’s shades of feelings on his birthday in the poem in October.  

Sylvia Plath

  1. Write a short note on ‘Surrealism.’
  2. What are the different stages of the journey in the poem, Crossing the Water?  
  3. How is the battle of the sexes reflected in the poem The Rival?  
  4. What features of the song do you find in Morning Song?  
Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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