
Write a letter to a newspaper editor focusing on your views on private coaching.

Write a letter to a newspaper editor focusing on your views on private coaching.

Dhaka 15.05.24

The Editor,

The Bangladesh Observer


ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

Dear Sir,

I would be grateful if you could publish the following piece of writing in your daily newspaper. 

Private Coaching

The ongoing discussion about the expansion of coaching centers in education has flashed much debate. With high fees and the pressure to buy guidebooks, have contributed to the strengthen gap in educational opportunities. However, in certain situations, coaching is considered necessary for enhanced learning. Given the current form of education quality, a significant number of students require additional guidance to understand complex subjects. A major issue in our classrooms is the limited time available. With each period lasting only 45 minutes, teachers find it challenging to deliver lessons effectively within such short time frames.

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Classrooms often become chaotic and monotonous, making it difficult for teachers to maintain discipline and ensure quality education, especially in larger classes. In contrast, coaching centres have smaller classes, allowing for more streamlined teaching and learning processes. They also establish strong connections with students and their guardians, providing intensive care. Although these centres come with a weighty price tag, they can create an education-friendly environment due to their financial resources.

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While private coaching has gained immense popularity, it can never replace traditional classroom teaching. If classrooms are made more engaging and attractive, students may not feel the need to turn to private coaching.

Faithfully yours,

Sumita Mitra

Dhaka College, Dhaka

Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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