
Why Was Warren Unwilling to Hire Silas Anymore? (বাংলায়)

Question: Why was Warren unwilling to hire Silas anymore?

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In Robert Frost’s (1874-1963) ‘The Death of The Hired Man’ (1914), Warren, the farm owner and Mary’s husband, is unwilling to hire Silas as the farm worker due to Silas’s lack of commitment and dedication to the farmhouse. This decision of Warren can be summarized in the following three key points.

Past Unreliability and Inconsistency: Warren mirrors Silas’s history of inconsistency as a hired man, which leads him not to hire Silas again. He states,

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“Home is the place where, when you have to go there,

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

They have to take you in.”

Warren says that Silas’ departure from their organization comes at a difficult moment and creates stress and trouble. This past behavior highlights Silas’ unstable temperament and throws question Warren’s faith in his loyalty.

Changing Priorities and Values: Warren’s decision reflects his evolving priorities and values. He recognizes the importance of practicality and the limitations of Silas’ contributions. He says,

“Home is where, when you go there,

They have to take you in. I should have called it

Something you somehow haven’t to deserve.”

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Warren has lost his interest in Silas as Silas quarrels with him at their last meeting. Besides, Silas is old and has nothing special on which Warren can depend.

Demanding More Pay: Silas requested a small raise in his salary that was just enough to buy tobacco and to avoid begging. Warren rejected it, stating that he could not afford it. Silas then stated that someone else could do it. Warren responded that he could find someone else. So, Silas left him and went in quest of a better job at a time when Warren needed him the most.

In conclusion, Warren’s refusal to recruit Silas again in “The Death of the Hired Man” can be linked to his past unreliability, lack of actual commitment to the farm, and Warren’s shifting ideals toward him. These factors influence Warren’s decision, which is represented in various lines of the poem.

Robert Frost তার কবিতা ‘The Death of The Hired Man’ এ দেখিয়েছেন বাড়ির মালিক ওয়ারেন তার গৃহ কর্মী silas একবার চলে যাওয়ায় আর কাজে নিতে চান না. এখনো আমার এর পিছনের কারণ গুলো দেখবো।

Past Unreliability and Inconsistency: silas অতীতে কাজে ফাঁকি দিতো। যখন কাজের চাপ বাড়তো তখন সে অনুস্পস্থিত থাকতো যা ওয়ারেন কে অসন্তুষ্ট করে এবং তাকে কাজে না নিতে উৰুদ্ধ করে.

Changing Priorities and Values: ওয়ারেন এর সিদ্ধান্ত তার মূল্য দেওয়ার সাথে সম্পর্ক যুক্ত। ওয়ারেন silas কে আর আগের মতো দেখেন না যার কারণে কাজেও নিতে চান না.

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Demanding More Pay: silas ওয়ারেনের কাছে tobacco কেনার জন্য অতিরিক্ত বেতন দাবি করেন কিন্তু ওয়ারেন তা দিতে চান না.

অবশেষে বলা যায় উপরোক্ত কারণগুলির প্রেক্ষিতে ওয়ারেন silas আর কাজে নিতে চান না.

Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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