
NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-4

NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-4

earn money

1.  Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1×5=5

(a) The Bay of Bengal is … the south of Bangladesh.

(b) The man was accused … theft.

(c) He is trying hard to get rid … his financial problems.

ইউটিউবে ভিডিও লেকচার দেখুনঃ

(d) The Principal is … leave from the 15th of April.

(e) He was found senseless … his car.

আরো পড়ুনঃ NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-1

2. Change the form of speech: 5

My mother said, “Won’t you go to school today?”I said, “Mother, I feel fervish today. I don’t want to go to school.” “Ok, take rest now. You should be more careful about your health,” said Mother.

3. Correct the following sentences:- 1×5=5

(a) Many years passed since we met last.

(b) The man was hung for murder.

(c) Twenty men were wounded and one killed.

(d) He insisted me to go to cinema.

(e) You are going to college, isn’t it?

4. Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5

  1. They were such bad people that……………
  2. In spite of his poverty,…………….
  3. In case of rain, we……………..
  4. By taking exercise regularly,…………..
  5. …………you were successful in life.

5. Translate the following passage into English: 10

আমরা নানা রকম খাবার খাই। খাবারগুলো বিভিন্ন উৎস থেকে আসে। গরুর মাংস, মুরগীর মাংস, মাছ, ডিম এসব খাদ্যের উৎস প্রাণী। ঘি, মাখন এবং দুধও প্রাণী থেকে পাই। ভাত, আলু, রুটি এবং শাক-সবজি আমরা খাদ্য হিসাবে খাই। আটা-ময়দা থেকে রুটি তৈরি হয়। আটা এবং ময়দা পাওয়া যায় গম থেকে। খাদ্যগুলো আমরা উদ্ভিদ থেকে পাই। আম, জাম, কাঁঠাল, কলা, কমলা ইত্যাদি ফলও আমরা উদ্ভিদ থেকে পেয়ে থাকি।

Read the passage below and answer the question no. 6-7

The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel, running beneath the Karnaphuli River in Chittagong, is currently undergoing beautification ahead of its inauguration on October 28. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is scheduled to inaugurate the tunnel. The premier is also scheduled to address a rally in Anwara area of Chittagong. The local Awami League has taken all-out preparations ahead of the PM’s visit to the city. 

Harunur Rashid, director of the tunnel construction project, said: “The tunnel is now fully ready for vehicular movement. The vehicles have passed through it on a test basis several times already. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate this project on October 28. The tunnel will be opened for vehicular traffic the next day. Construction of some buildings in the project area remains incomplete, which will be completed by December.” 

Harunur Rashid also said that more than 100 CCTV cameras have been installed for tunnel security. At the same time, there will be police outposts and fire service stations on both sides. The tunnel will have a round-the-clock power supply, and two power sub-stations of 5MW and 10MW have been installed in the project area.  He said: “One cannot cross the tunnel on foot. Similarly, motorcycles and three-wheelers will not be allowed in the tunnel.”

This project is jointly funded by the Governments of Bangladesh and China (G2G), at a total cost of Tk10,698 crore. The construction work for the tunnel is being carried out by the China Communication and Construction Company Limited (CCCC). Meanwhile, Chittagong City Corporation Mayor Md Rezaul Karim Chowdhury visited the road construction work in the tunnel area on Monday. He inspected the carpeting and beautification of the road.

The Bangladesh government is implementing this project on the ‘One City Two Towns’ concept, similar to Shanghai in China, on either side of the Karnaphuli River. Altogether, 12 types of vehicles will be subject to toll charges when using the 3.43km long Bangabandhu Tunnel. This is the first under-river tunnel in South Asia, expected to contribute 0.166% to the national economy by boosting employment, tourism, and industrialization. The Karnaphuli Tunnel is expected to improve the traffic situation in Chittagong significantly.

আরো পড়ুনঃ NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-5

6. Choose the Correct Answer: 1×5=5

  1. What is another term for “beautification,” as mentioned in the passage?

a) Uglification

b) Embellishment

c) Disfigurement

d) Ruination

  1. Which word is the antonym of “incomplete” as used in the passage?

a) Finished

b) Deficient

c) Imperfect

d) Unfinished

  1. What is the synonym for “efficiency” in the context of the passage?

a) Inefficiency

b) Competence

c) Incompetence

d) Slackness

  1. What term is an antonym for “boosting” as mentioned in the passage?

a) Hindering

b) Enhancing

c) Augmenting

d) Amplifying

  1. Which word is synonymous with “significant” in the context of the passage?

a) Insignificant

b) Trivial

c) Substantial

d) Negligible

7. Answer to the following Questions: 5×2=10

1. What is the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel?

2. When is the tunnel going to be inaugurated, and who will inaugurate it?

3. What are some preparations being done for the tunnel’s inauguration?

4. Who is building the tunnel, and how much does it cost?

5. What benefits will the tunnel bring to the area?

8. Write short notes on the following literary terms (any three):-            3×5=15

  1. Dramatic monologue
  2. Ballad
  3. Allusion
  4. Imagery/Image
  5. Play

9. Write a letter to your friend advising him about the importance of good behaviour. 10

10. Write the paraphrase of the passage below: 10

আরো পড়ুনঃ NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-3

The Last Leaf

by O’Henry

In a small part of the city west of Washington Square, the streets have gone wild. They turn in different directions. They are broken into small pieces called “places.” One street goes across itself one or two times. A painter once discovered something possible and valuable about this street. Suppose a painter had some painting materials for which he had not paid. Suppose he had no money. Suppose a man came to get the money. The man might walk down that street and suddenly meet himself coming back, without having received a cent!

This part of the city is called Greenwich Village. And to old Greenwich Village, the painters soon came. Here they found rooms they like, with good light and at a low cost. Sue and Johnsy lived at the top of a building with three floors. One of these young women came from Maine, the other from California. They had met at a restaurant on Eighth Street. There they discovered that they liked the same kind of art, the same kind of food, and the same kind of clothes. So they decided to live and work together. That was in the spring.

Toward winter a cold stranger entered Greenwich Village. No one could see him. He walked around touching one person here and another there with his icy fingers. He was a bad sickness. Doctors called him Pneumonia. On the east side of the city, he hurried, touching many people; but in the narrow streets of Greenwich Village, he did not move so quickly.

Mr. Pneumonia was not a nice old gentleman. A nice old gentleman would not hurt a weak little woman from California. But Mr. Pneumonia touched Johnsy with his cold fingers. She lay on her bed almost without moving, and she looked through the window at the wall of the house next to hers. One morning the busy doctor spoke to Sue alone in the hall, where Johnsy could

not hear. The Last Leaf

“She has a very small chance,” he said. “She has a chance if she wants to live. If people don’t want to live, I can’t do much for them. Your little lady has decided that she is not

going to get well. Is there something that is troubling her?”

“She always wanted to go to Italy and paint a picture of the Bay of Naples,” said Sue.

“Paint! Not paint. Is there anything worth being troubled about? A man?”

“A man?” said Sue. “Is a man worth—No, doctor. There is not a man.”

“It is weakness,” said the doctor. “I will do all I know how to do. But when a sick

person begins to feel that he’s going to die, half my work is useless. Talk to her

about new winter clothes. If she were interested in the future, her chances would be


11. Write a paragraph on any one of the following:- 10

  1. Mobile Phone
  2. Self Reliance

12. Problem: Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including flooding, cyclones, and rising sea levels. What are the problems and their solutions? 

Model Test: 04- Solutions

1.  Ans: a)to  b)of  c)of  d)on  e)inside  

2. Answer: My mother asked me if I wouldn’t go to school that day. I replied to her that I felt feverish that day and added that I didn’t want to go to school. She accepted my excuse and advised me to take rest then and also advised me to be more careful about my health.

3. Answer:

(a) Many years have passed since we had met last.

(b) The man was hanged for murder.

(c) Twenty men were wounded and one was killed.

(d) He insisted on my going to cinema.

(e) You are going to college, aren’t you?

আরো পড়ুনঃ NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-2

4. Ans: 

  1. They were such bad people that we avoided them.
  2. In spite of his poverty, he could continue his studies.
  3. In case of rain, we do not/shall not/would not play cricket.
  4. By taking exercise regularly, you can keep fit.
  5. Due to your hard work, you were successful in life.

5. Ans. We eat different kinds of food. We find food from different sources. The sources of beef, fowl, fish, and eggs are animals. We also get ghee, butter, and milk from animals. We eat rice, potatoes, bread, and vegetables as food. Ruti is made from flour. We get flour from wheat. We get these foods from plants. We get mango, berry, jackfruit, banana, orange, etc from plants as well.

6. Ans: Look at NTRCA Written Book School. Passage No. 04

7. Ans: Look at NTRCA Written Book School. Passage No. 04

8. Answer:

  1. Dramatic monologue– Look at Stylistics devices/Ornamentation/ Different Genres of Text. No. 09
  2. Ballad– Look at Stylistics devices/Ornamentation/ Different Genres of Text. No. 11
  3. Allusion– Look at Stylistics devices/Ornamentation/ Different Genres of Text. No. 15
  4. Imagery/Image– Look at Stylistics devices/Ornamentation/ Different Genres of Text. No. 01
  5. Play– Look at Stylistics devices/Ornamentation/ Different Genres of Text. No. 15

9. Ans: Look at Old LX NTRCA Written School. Page No. 115

10. Ans: Look at LX NTRCA Written Book School. Passage No. 01

11. Answer:

  1. Mobile Phone. Ans: Look at Old LX NTRCA Written Book School. Page No. 110
  2. Self Reliance. Ans: Look at Old LX NTRCA Written Book School. Page No. 110

12. Ans: Look at NTRCA Written Book School. No. 04

Riya Akter
Riya Akter
Hey, This is Riya Akter Setu, B.A (Hons) & M.A in English from National University.


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