
Previous Years Brief 16th and 17th century poetry NU 3rd Year

16th and 17th century poetry

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Previous Years Brief-(2012-20)

NU 3rd Year

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  • প্রশ্নগুলো ছোট করে দেওয়া হয়েছে। তবে আপনারা আগে প্রশ্ন থেকে লিখে উত্তরটা অ্যাড করে দেবেন।
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a. Why is the knight in The Faerie Queene called the Red Cross Knight?

Ans: Because a blood Red Cross was inscribed both on the breastplate of his armour and on his shield.

b. What is a ‘Carpe Diem Theme”?

Ans: ‘Carpe Diem Theme’ refers to the theory based on the Epicurean philosophy of enjoying the present without bothering about the future.

c. What do you mean by the term ‘canonization’?

Ans: According to Christianity, the term ‘canonization’ means to proclaim a person to be a saint after his death by canon law and to be fully honoured as such.

d. What do you understand by the phrase “Three-Personed God”?

Ans: Three Personed God refers to the Christian concept of Trinity which consists of God, Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. (পবিত্র আত্মা)

e. How does the poet refute the pride of death?

Ans: By saying that death is nothing but short sleep. After death man wakes up and starts his journey towards eternity.

f. What does the ‘collar’ symbolize?

Ans: The collar symbolizes discipline in divinity. 

g. What is meant by ‘Man’s first disobedience’?

Ans: The phrase ‘Man’s first disobedience’ refers to the incident of the eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve.

h. What is an allegory?

Ans: An allegory is a literary work that tells a story with more than one meaning. It can be written in prose or poetry with moral or political purpose.

i. Who is Beelzebub?

Ans: In ‘Paradise Lost’, Beelzebub is the second in command to Satan among the fallen angels.

J. What does Lady Una stand for?

Ans: Lady Una stands for truth, goodness and wisdom.

k. Who is Archimago?

Ans: Archimago is the arch magician, symbolizes hypocrisy or Satan in “The Faerie Queene”.

l. What does the phrase ‘Time’s winged chariot’ signify?

Ans: The phrase “Time’s winged chariot” signifies the fleeting nature of time and the shortness of human life.


a. Who is Gloriana?

Ans: Queen Gloriana is an idealized portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. 

b. What is Easter?

Ans: Easter is a festival of the Christian church. It is celebrated in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

c. What does the word ‘valediction’ mean?

Ans: The word ‘valediction’ means the act of bidding farewell.

d. What is ‘manna’?

Ans: Manna is the Heavenly food that God provided for the Hebrews when they were wandering in the desert after they fled the enslavement of Egypt.

e. What do you mean by the word ‘canonization’?

Ans: Canonization means the act of declaring a dead person to be a saint by a Christian church .

f. What did the monster Error vomit?

Ans: The monster Error vomited out black poison full of lumps of flesh, books, papers, frogs and toads without eyes.

g. What is pandemonium?

Ans: Pandemonium is the capital of Hell in John Milton’s epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’.

h. What is the theme of the epic “Paradise Lost”?

Ans: ‘Man’s first disobedience’ is the theme of the epic “Paradise Lost”.

i. What does the poet mean by the phrase “Vegetable love”?

Ans: Vegetable love means natural love that grows fast without sexual desire.

j. What is hyperbole?

Ans: Hyperbole is a kind of figure of speech which means exaggerated expression.

k. Why is a grave not a proper place for making love?

Ans: Because the dead body has no sensation or feeling and ultimately it turns to dust.

l. What does George Herbert mean by the word ‘collar’?

Ans: By the word ‘collar’, George Herbert means the rigorous discipline of priestly life.


a. What is Milton’s aim in writing “Paradise Lost”?

Ans: Milton’s aim in writing “Paradise Lost” is to justify the ways of God to men’.

b. How is the sun scolded in “The Sun Rising”?

Ans: In “The Sun Rising”, the sun is scolded by the poet as ‘Busy, old, fool, unruly sun. 

c. what is ‘Carpe Diem Theory? In which poem do you find it?

Ans: ‘Carpe Diem Theory’ is a theory that tells us to enjoy the present moment without worrying about the past and future. 

d. How is the lady committing a crime in “To His Coy Mistress”?

Ans: The lady is hesitating to respond to her lover’s advances quickly due to her shyness and thus she is committing a crime by wasting time.

e. What is metaphysical conceit?

Ans: Metaphysical conceit is a figure of speech in which two vastly different objects are likened together with the help of similes or metaphors.

f. Whom has ‘the Queene’ assigned the task of rescuing Una’s parents?

Ans: Red Cross Knight 

g. What is Leviathan? In which poem do you find it?

Ans: Leviathan refers to a sea monster. We find it in “Paradise Lost”.

h. What does the Dwarf represent in “The Faerie Queene”?

Ans: The Dwarf represents prudence or common sense.

i. What was Herbert’s reply to God’s calling him ‘child’?

Ans: “My Lord”.

j. “Have I no harvest by a thorn?”- In which poem do you notice this line?

Ans: Herbert’s poem “The Collar”.

k. What is the theme of the poem “Easter Wings”?

Ans: The moral and spiritual degeneration of human race and salvation through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


a. What is an invocation in an epic?

Ans: An invocation in an epic is the prayer for aid and guidance from a Muse at the beginning of the epic.

b. Who is the architect of Pandemonium?

Ans: Mulciber is the architect of Pandemonium.

c. What does “Three Personed God” refer to in “Batter My Heart”?

Ans: Three Personed God refers to the Christian concept of Trinity which consists of God, Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. (পবিত্র আত্মা)

d. What is meant by ‘Man’s first disobedience’?

Ans: The phrase ‘Man’s first disobedience’ refers to the incident of the eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve.

e. Why does Marvell call his beloved a coy mistress?

Ans: Because she hesitates to respond quickly to her lover’s advances.

f. What figure of speech is used in the term “Magnanimous Despair?

Ans: Oxymoron.

g. Why does the poet call himself a ‘self-traitor”?

Ans: Because though he wanted to start a new life, he brought into that garden of glory, his love and his love was not completely pure.

h. Who is Archimago?

Ans: Archimago is the arch magician, he symbolizes hypocrisy or Satan in “The Faerie Queene”.

i. Why is the Gentle Knight called The Red Cross Knight’?

Ans: Because a blood-red cross was inscribed both on the breastplate of his armour and on his shield.

J. How is the lover begotten in “The Definition of Love”?

Ans: The poet’s love is the child of the marriage of Despair and Impossibility. Despair is the father and Impossibility, the mother of this love.

k. What kind of poem is “The Collar”?

Ans:  Religious poem.

l. What does ‘Easter’ stand for?

Ans: Easter is a festival in the Christian Church Commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.


a. Who was called the poets’ poet?

Ans: Edmund Spenser.

b. Give an example of a romantic epic.

Ans: “The Faerie Queene”.

c. Whom does Queen Gloriana represent?

Ans: Queen Elizabeth I.

d. What is a conceit?

Ans: A conceit is a far-fetched comparison between two very dissimilar things.

e. What kind of poem is the Collar?

Ans: Religious poem.

f. What is manna?

Ans: Manna is the Heavenly food God provided for the Hebrews when they were wandering in the desert after they fled the enslavement of Egypt.

g. What is the significance of Magnanimous Despair?

Ans: It can produce the kind of love the poet has for his beloved.

h. Which age did Spenser belong to?

Ans: Elizabethan period.

i. What is Pandemonium?

Ans: Pandemonium is the capital of Hell in John Milton’s epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’.

j. What is the significance of the title ‘Easter Wings?

Ans: The title ‘Easter Wings’ signifies Christ’s resurrection from death. 

k. Why are the East and West Indies famous?

Ans: The East Indies is famous for their spices and the West Indies is famous for diamonds and other mineral substances.

I. In which year did Charles II restore his throne?

Ans: In 1660.


a. What is an invocation in an epic?

Ans: Prayer for aid and guidance from a Muse at the beginning of the epic.

b. What do you understand by ‘Man’s first disobedience’?

Ans: The phrase ‘Man’s first disobedience’ refers to the incident of the eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve.

c. Name a poem of your syllabus in which a syllogistic pattern has been used.

Ans: “To His Coy Mistress”.

d. How does the poet rebuke the sun in the poem “The Sun Rising”?

Ans: In “The Sun Rising”, the poet rebukes the sun as ‘Busy, old, fool, unruly sun’. 

e. Who is the architect of Pandemonium?

Ans: Mulciber.

f. What does the ‘Collar’ symbolize?

Ans: The collar symbolizes discipline in divinity.

g. Why does Donne advise Death not to be proud?

Ans: Death is only a temporary sleep after that we shall live forever in Heaven. So, Donne advises Death not to be proud.

h. What does the word ‘Valediction’ mean?

Ans: Bidding farewell.

i. Who is Queen Gloriana?

Ans: Queen Gloriana is an idealized portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. 

j. What are the rivers mentioned in the poem “To His Coy Mistress”?

Ans: Ganges and Humber.

k. What is Easter Sunday?

Ans: Easter Sunday is the third Sunday in the paschal lunar month to commemorate Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death.

l. How is the lover’s love begotten in “The Definition of Love”?

Ans: The poet’s love is the child of the marriage of Despair and Impossibility. Despair is the father and Impossibility, the mother of this love.


a. What is John Milton’s intention in writing “Paradise Lost”?

Ans: Milton’s intention in writing “Paradise Lost” is to justify the ways of God to men’.

b. How does Donne use personification in “The Sun Rising”?

Ans: Donne uses personification in personifying the sun as a ‘busy old fool’.

c. What is Marvell’s opinion about graves?

Ans: According to Marvell, a grave is a fine and private place where none can enjoy the pleasure of lovemaking.

d. How did a man, according to Herbert, become nearer to God?

Ans: The poet could become nearer to God having been purified of his sin.

e. What does ‘Una’ stand for allegorically?

Ans: Allegorically Lady Una stands for Truth, Goodness and Wisdom.

f. What scares the Red Cross Knight away from the House of Pride?

Ans: The dungeons hidden beneath the House of Pride scare the Red Cross Knight away from the House of Pride.

8. What is Manna?

Ans: Manna is the Heavenly food that God provided for the Hebrews when they were wandering in the desert after they fled the enslavement of Egypt.

h. What does the phrase ‘Time’s winged chariot’ signify?

Ans: The fleeting nature of time and the shortness of human life. 

i. How were the children of the Monster of Error killed?

Ans: The children started sucking their mother’s wound until their blood thirst was fully satisfied and at last their bellies swelled up and burst out.

j. What is canonization?

Ans: According to Christianity, the term ‘canonization’ means to proclaim a person to be a saint after his death by a canon law.

k. How does the poet reply in response to calling ‘child’?

Ans: “My Lord”.

l. What has prevented the union between the poet and his beloved in “The Definition of Love”?

Ans: The indefinable Fate.


a. What is invocation?

Ans: Invocation is a kind of prayer of the poet at the beginning of his composition to the Muse.

b. What does Lady Una symbolize?

Ans: Allegorically Lady Una stands for Truth, Goodness and Wisdom. Allegorically she is Queen Elizabeth I.

c. How did the children of Monster Error look?

Ans: The children of the monster Error looked like little snakes of different shapes.

d. How is the lady committing a crime in “To His Coy Mistress”?

Ans: The lady is hesitating to respond to her lover’s advances quickly due to her shyness and thus she is committing a crime by wasting time.

e. What does the phrase ‘Vegetable love’ mean?

Ans: Vegetable love means natural love that grows fast without sexual desire.

f. What does the poem “Easter Wings” symbolize?

Ans: Easter Wings symbolize upliftment or spiritual flight through Christ’s mercy.

g. How does the poet console himself in “The Collar”?

Ans: Herbert consoles himself by thinking that he still has time to return to a life of earthly pleasure.

h. What does ‘Man’s first disobedience’ refer to?

Ans: The phrase ‘Man’s first disobedience’ refers to the incident of the eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve.

i. What is Spenserian stanza?

Ans: The Spenserian stanza is a kind of verse invented by Edmund Spenser for his epic poem.

J. Who is Jehovah?

Ans: God’s true name – Jehovah God as Jesus.

k. What is blank verse?

Ans: Blank verse means lines without rhyme. 

Brief – 2020

a. Who is Queen Gloriana?

Ans: Queen Gloriana is an idealized portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. 

b. Why is the Sun scolded in “The Sun Rising”?

Ans: As a lover, he does not want anyone to disturb his lovely moment. So he scolds the sun as an old, unruly sun for disturbing them through the windows and curtains.

c.Why does the lady hesitate to respond to her lover’s call?

Ans: Because of her shyness.

d. What kind of poem is the “Collar’?

Ans: Religious poem.

e. Why did Satan welcome Hell as his abode?

Ans: Satan’s greatest ambition was to reign and his mind could not be changed of place and time. So, to reign in Hell was more lucrative to him than serve in Heaven.

f. What does the word ‘Valediction’ mean?

Ans: Bidding farewell.

h. Who is the “Infernal Serpent”?

Ans: Satan.

i. How does Marvell define his utter frustration in love? 

Ans: The poet has defined his utter frustration in love as ‘magnanimous Despair’

j. What is the meaning of the word “Archimago”?

Ans: Arch magician.

k. What is Easter Sunday?

Ans: Easter Sunday is the third Sunday in the paschal lunar month to commemorate Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death.

l. What is Manna?

Ans: Manna is the Heavenly food that God provided for the Hebrews when they were wandering in the desert after they fled the enslavement of Egypt.



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