
Prose Brief Solution NU Masters 2019-20

(a) What does Emerson mean by ” Man Thinking”?

Ans. Emerson uses his concept of Man Thinking to symbolize the ideal scholar who embodies both unity and individuality.

(b) What is Pre-established harmony?

Ans. It is a philosophical doctrine that states that God from the very beginning of His creation ensured the harmony of each monad’s development with that of others.

(c) What was the subject of Thoreau‘s lecture delivered before the Concord

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Ans. The Relation of the Individual to the state

 (d) What kind of state does Thoreau dream of?

Ans. Thoreau dreams of a state which treats the individual with respect, and not to interfere with his freedom.

(e) Who was Mr. Oscar Browning?

Ans. A famous figure in Cambridge at one time and used to examine the students at Girton and Newham.

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(f)  What does Eliot mean by “tradition”?

Ans. By ‘tradition’, Eliot does not mean to follow the ways of the immediate generation before us”. It involves the historical sense which in its turn, “involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past but of its presence.”

(g) What, according to T.S. Eliot, is the business of the poet?

Ans. The business of the poet is not to find new emotions, but to use ordinary ones, and in working them up into poetry.

(h) What is the main job of an American Scholar?

Ans. The office or main job of a scholar is to cheer, raise, and guide men by showing them facts amid appearances.

(i) What is “Marxist Literature”?

Ans. A type of literary criticism based on the writings of German philosopher Karl Marx.

(j) Who is John Bunyan?

Ans. John Bunyan was an English writer, remembered as the author of the religious/Christian allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress, 

(k) Why does Leavis consider the phrase “The Romantic attitude’ misleading?

Ans. Because the actual poets of the Romantic period- Wordsworth, Coleridge and others-differed widely among themselves.

(l) Who hopes and who creates according to Emerson?

Ans. The scholar


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