- সমকালীন বাংলাদেশের সমাজ ও সংস্কৃতির উপর নগরায়নের প্রভাব
- আইনসভার ক্ষমতা হ্রাসের কারণসমূহ
- কেবিনেটের একনায়কত্ব কি?
- বিচার বিভাগের স্বাধীনতা বলতে কি বুঝ?
- যুক্তরাজ্যের আইনসভার গঠন ব্যাখ্যা কর
- গণতন্ত্র ও একনায়কতন্ত্রের মধ্যে পার্থক্য নির্ণয় কর
- মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ‘Spoil system' কী?
- পার্লামেন্টের সার্বভৌমত্ব কী?
- মার্কিন রাষ্ট্রপতির নির্বাচন পদ্ধতি ব্যাখ্যা কর
- জনমতের মাধ্যমগুলো আলোচনা কর
- সিনেটের সৌজন্য বিধি বলতে কি বুঝ?
- আইনসভার ক্ষমতা হ্রাসের কারণসমূহ
- গণতন্ত্রে জনমতের গুরুত্ব আলোচনা কর
- যুক্তরাষ্ট্রীয় সরকারের বৈশিষ্ট্য সমূহ
- রাষ্ট্রপতিশাসিত সরকারের বৈশিষ্ট্য
- নির্বাচকমণ্ডলীর সংজ্ঞা দাও
- সংসদীয় সরকার বলতে কী বুঝ
- উত্তম সংবিধানের বৈশিষ্ট্য ও শ্রেণীবিভাগ লিখ
- আধুনিক গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রের নির্বাচক মন্ডলীর ভূমিকা
- মার্কিন সিনেট পৃথিবীর সর্বাপেক্ষা শক্তিশালী দ্বিতীয় কক্ষ
- আধুনিক গণতান্ত্রিক সরকার ব্যবস্থায় বিরোধী দলের ভূমিকা মূল্যায়ন কর
- আধুনিক রাষ্ট্রে শাসনবিভাগের ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধির কারণগুলো
- ব্রিটিশ পার্লামেন্ট সার্বভৌম
- ক্ষমতার পূর্ণ স্বতন্ত্রীকরণ সম্ভব নয়, বাঞ্ছনীয়ও নয়
- যুক্তরাষ্ট্রীয় সরকারের সফলতার শর্তাবলী
- গণতন্ত্রের সফলতার শর্তগুলো
- ব্রিটিশ প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ক্ষমতা ও কার্যাবলি
- মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সংবিধানের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো
- গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রে রাজনৈতিক দলের ভূমিকা
- বিচার বিভাগীয় পর্যালোচনা বলতে কী বুঝ?
- মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সিনেট ও ব্রিটেনের লর্ডসভার তুলনামূলক আলোচনা কর
- সামাজিক অসমতা বলতে কি বুঝ? বাংলাদেশের সামাজিক অসমতার কারণসমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশের গ্রামীণ উন্নয়নে বেসরকারি সংস্থা সমূহের ভূমিকা পর্যালোচনা কর।
- স্থানান্তর কি? বাংলাদেশের গ্রাম থেকে শহরের স্থানান্তরের কারণ ও ফলাফল বর্ণনা কর।
- The Wife of Bath's Tale Bangla Summary
- The Wife's Lament Bangla Summary
- The Dream of the Rood Bangla Summary
- The Seafarer Bangla Summary
- The Wanderer Bangla Summary
- Beowulf Bangla Summary
- Hons 3rd Year Result 2024
- Earn Money Online
- 19th Century Novel Previous Year Brief (2013-2022)
- Describe the Circumstances That Led to the Death of Simon.
- Symbolic Significance of “Conch shell” and “Glasses”
- How Did Piggy die in the Novel “Lord of the Flies”?
- What Does the Beastie Symbolize?
- Compare and Contrast Between the Characters Ralph and Jack.
- What Do the Lions that Santiago Dreams of Signify?
- What Moral Victory Does Santiago Win in his Battle With the Hostile Forces
- How Did Hemingway Reflect Modernism in The Old Man and the Sea?
- Why Can We See Santiago as a Christ Figure?
- A man can be Destroyed But not Defeated
- How Does the Old Man Kill the Great Marlin?
- Modern Novel Suggestion Session 2021-22
- Write a Paragraph on Smart Bangladesh
- NU 1st Year Routine Analysis: Exam 2023
- English Reading Skills Final Suggestion
- Continental Literature Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- Literary Criticism Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- Classics in Translation Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- American Literature Fiction and Drama Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- American Poetry Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- 20th Century Novel Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- Modern Drama Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- 20th Century Poetry Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- 19th Century Novel Final Suggestion Session (2019-20)
- 18th NTRCA English Assistant Teacher Final suggestion
- Nausea is a Study of an Individual Trying to Understand His Relationship With the Phenomena Around Him.
- Critically Analyze the Character of Antoine Roquentin in “Nausea”.
- Modern Novel Previous Year Questions 2016
- Modern Novel Previous Year Questions 2017
- Modern Novel Previous Year Questions 2018
- Modern Novel Previous Year Questions 2019
- Modern Novel Previous Year Questions 2020
- Modern Novel Previous Year Questions 2021
- Modern Novel Previous Year Questions 2015
- Comment on the Instances of ‘Bad Faith’ as Represented in the Novel Nausea.
- Evaluate the Symbolic Significance of John the Savage in the Novel “Brave New World.”
- What is Satire? Consider Brave New World as a Satire.
- Justify the Novel Brave New World as a Science Fiction.
- Comment on the Theme of 'Crime' and 'punishment' as Presented in Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter'.
- Do you Consider Hester Prynne a Tragic Character? Illustrate your Answer.
- Critically Examine Hawthorne's Puritanic Attitude in the Novel “The Scarlet Letter”.
- Bring out the Dramatic Significance of the Scaffold Scenes in “The Scarlet Letter”.
- How are Innocence and Experience Connected Thematically in Lord of the Flies?
- Explain the Significance of Coral Island in “Lord of the Flies.”
- Justify the Title of the Novel Lord of the Flies.
- Assess the Relationship Between the Old Man and the boy Manolin.
- Evaluate the Character of Ralph as the protagonist of the Novel “Lord of the Flies”.
- The Old Man and The Sea Celebrates Life and Humanity-Discuss.
- What is a Code Hero?
- Discuss in Brief the Theme of Isolation in Nausea.
- Discuss the Theme of Time and Free Will as Depicted in Nausea.
- When Does an Epiphany Occur in Roquentin in “Nausea”?
- The Role of Linda in “Brave New World.”
- Roll of Lelina in the Novel Brave New World.
- Trace the Major Symbols in “The Old Man and the Sea”
- What is the Importance of “Soma” in Brave New World?
- Why Does John Commit Suicide at the end of the Novel Brave New World?
- Describe Pearl’s Personality and Appearance
- The Negative Role of Chillingworth.
- Describe the Death Scene of Dimmesdale
- What is the Significance of the Forest in The Scarlet Letter?
- Write a Short Note on Using Symbols in Hawthorne's “The Scarlet Letter”.
- What is the Significance of “Mock-Hunts” in Lord of the Flies?
- How Did the Society of the Marooned Children Resemble a Political State?
- Discuss the Major Themes in Seamus Heaney's Poems
- What Romantic Elements Do You Find in the Poems of W.B. Yeats? [2018]
- Discuss Whitman's Treatment of “Self” and “Democracy.”
- How Does Heaney's Poetry Combine Pictures of Ancient Ireland With Those of Modern Times?
- Write an Essay on Seamus Heaney's Treatment of Nature
- Consider Auden as a Modern Poet.
- How has Heany Expressed his Concern About the Voice of the Silent and Oppressed?
- Discuss the Symbols Used in the Poems of Dylan Thomas
- Make an Assessment of Dylan Thomas's use of Poetic Imagery.
- Treatment of the Childhood of Dylan Thomas in his Poems.
- Consider the Poem "In Memory of W.B. Yeats" as an Elegy
- Consider Auden as an Anti-Romantic Poet
- Discuss the Relationship Between Men and Women in Frost’s Poetry.
- Frost Depicts Modern Life in a Pastoral Setting
- Evaluate Robert Frost as a poet of Nature.
- How Does W.B. Yeats Handle Myth and History in His Poems?
- Consider Whitman’s Treatment of the Soul, Self, and Dody
- W.B. Yeats as a Patriotic Poet.
- Analyze the Symbols Used by W.B. Yeats in his poems.
- Discuss Yeats as a Poet of Love With Reference to Some of his Poems.
- Consider Whitman as a Poet of joy and Optimism.
- Trace Out the Mystical Elements in ‘Song of Myself’
- How is the Poem ‘Punishment’ a Satire Against Various Injustices?
- Trace the Personal Elements in Seamus Heany’s Poems
- Modern Poetry Suggestions Session 2021-22
- Why Does the Poet Celebrate His Ownself in the Poem ‘Song of Myself’?
- How Does Whitman Glorify Death in ‘Song of Myself’?
- How Does Whitman Give Equal Importance to Both Body and Soul in ‘Song of Myself’?
- Do you think Whitman is a Poet of Revolutionary Spirit?
- What is Yeats’ Attitude to History and Civilization?
- What are the Symbols Auden used in his Poem ‘The Shield of Achilles’?
- What Social Consciousness Do You Find in Auden's Poems?
- How Does Mary Define ‘Home’ in the “Death of the Hired Man”?
- What Does the Wall Signify in the poem ‘Mending Wall’?
- What Tragic Vision in Life Do You Find in ‘Out, Out’?
- How Does Frost Express his Patriotic Feeling in his Poem ‘The Gift Outright’?
- How Does Yeats Estimate Maud Gonne in ‘No Second Troy’?
- What are the prayers of the Poet for his Infant Daughter?
- What Does ‘Byzantium’ Stand For in W. B. Yeats’ Poems?
- How are fact and Fancy Blended in Frost’s Poetry?
- What is Heany’s Attitude to his Forefathers as Depicted in the Poem ‘Digging’?
- How is ‘After the Funeral’ an Elegy?
- How Does Dylan Thomas pay Respect to his Aunt in ‘After the Funeral’?
- What is Auden's Attitude to Religion?
- How is ‘Do not go Gentle into That Good Night’ a Villanelle?
- Mention the Medieval and Modern Elements From your Study of Chaucer's Poems.
- 'Troilus and Criseyde' is a lover's Tragedy
- Chaucer's poetic Skill in "Troilus and Criseyde."
- Consider Chaucer's 'Troilus and Criseyde' as a poem of County Love Tradition
- Sketch the Character of Troilus
- Sketch the Character of Criseyde
- Bring out the Blend of Serious and Comic Elements in “The Nun's Priest Tale.”
- What Mock-heroic Elements Do You Find in "The Nun's Priest's Tale?”
- What Moral Lesson Do You Find in "The Nun's Priest's Tale?”
- Justify “The Nun's Priest's Tale” as a Beast Fable.
- Evaluate the Ingredients of Romance in Troilus and Criseyde
- Evaluate Chaucer's Treatment of Dreams in "The Nun's Priest's Tale.
- How Does Chaucer Blend Satire with Humour in "The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales"?
- Write a Note on the Courtly Characters in "The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
- How does Chaucer Portray the Ecclesiastical Characters in the General Prologue?
- Chaucer is one of the Forerunners of the English novel
- Chaucer's art of Characterisation in "The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales."
- Discuss Chaucer as a Representative Poet
- How did Troilus's Life Come to an End?
- How Did Diomede Court Criseyde to Win Her Love?
- What Does Chaucer Mean by “The Double Sorrow of Troilus?"
- Write a Short Note on Pertelote's Character
- What Medicine Did Pertelote Suggest for Chaunticleer's Nightmare?
- Describe the fox after "The Nun's Priest's Tale."
- How Did the fox Flatter the Cock and Seize Him?
- What Did Pertelote Say Against the Importance of Dreams?
- How Did Pertelote Scold Chaunticleer for His Cowardice?
- How can you Differentiate Between a Fable and a Tale?
- How is the Squire Different From his Father, the Knight?
- How Does Chaucer Begin the Prologue?
- Comment on the Host in the General Prologue To The Canterbury Tales
- Write a Short note on the Wife of Bath.
- Describe the Character of the Monk.
- Portray the Characters of the Prioress
- Comment on the Character of the knight
- Chaucer Suggestion Session 2021-22
- Examine the Moral, Social, and Political Atmosphere in Measure for Measure.
- Evaluate "Measure for Measure" as a Problem Play
- Comment on Julius Caesar as a Political Play
- Who is the Real hero of the Play “Julius Caesar”? Brutus or Caesar?
- The Opening Scene of “Julius Caesar”
- The Function of Ghosts in Hamlet
- Othello is the Greatest Tale of a Man who Loved Excessively but Loved not Wisely - Elucidate.
- Discuss the Theme of Colonization as Depicted in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
- Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2018
- Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2019
- Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2020
- Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2021
- Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2015
- Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2016
- Masters Previous Year Questions Shakespeare 2017
- Discuss Shakespeare's Treatment of Justice and Mercy in Measure for Measure.
- Compare and Contrast the Characters Ariel and Caliban
- Sketch the Character of Prospero.
- Forgiveness and Reconciliation are the keynotes in the Play “The Tempest” - Discuss.
- Comment on the Dramatic Irony that Occurs in King Lear.
- To What Extent are Lear and Cordelia Responsible for the Tragic end of Their Life?
- The Theme of Blindness- Physical and Emotional in the Play "King Lear”
- Sketch the Character of Lear as a Father.
- Discuss Othello as a Tragic Character
- Make a Comparative Study of the Three Daughters in “King Lear”
- Write a note on Shakespeare’s Use of Intrigues in “Othello.”
- Do you Agree that There was a Method in Hamlet’s Madness? So, Why?
- Consider “Othello” as a Domestic Tragedy
- What Impression of Hamlet Do You Get from His Soliloquies?
- How Far Do Gertrude and Ophelia Prove the Validity of Hamlet’s Observation on the Frailty of Women?
- Comment on the View That Iago is More Interesting Than Othello.
- Discuss how the Play Within the Play Contributes to the Development of Action in 'Hamlet.'
- What are the Dramatic Ironies in Othello?
- How does Hamlet Decide to Catch the king's Conscience?
- Discuss the Character of Gertrude in Terms of Her Innocence.
- Describe the Encounter Between Hamlet and Laertes.
- In what Sense does the “Gravediggers’ Scene” Serve as a Dramatic Relief in Hamlet?
- What are the Palace Intrigues Hatched by Claudius Against Hamlet?
- Write About Hamlet’s Procrastination in Taking Revenge in Hamlet
- William Shakespeare Suggestion Session 2021-2022
- In What Way is The Tempest Romantic in Substance but Classical in Form?
- Comment on the Character and Role of the Fool in King Lear.
- Bring out the Significance of the Storm Scene in King Lear
- How does Lear Judge his Wicked Daughters in the Mock Trial Scene?
- What is the Tragic Flaw of Cordelia?
- Discuss Iago as a Machiavellian Character
- Discuss the Element of Fate in Othello.
- Why does Iago Stand for Motive-Hunting of Motiveless Malignity?
- How Does Shakespeare Handle the Historical Facts in the Play of Julius Caesar?
- What Condition Does Angelo Offer to Isabella to Pardon Claudio’s Life?
- How is Caesar Assassinated in the Senate-House?
- How does Brutus Justify Caesar's Assassination?
- Write About the Relationship Between Miranda and Ferdinand in The Tempest.
- What is Claudio’s Offence, and How is he Punished?
- Briefly Discuss Isabella's role by Mentioning the Charges Against Angelo.
- What Events Cause Prospero to Reveal His Past to Miranda?
- Comment on Antony’s Funeral Speech in Julius Caesar.
- What is the Significance of Caesar’s Dying Words- “Et tu Brute”?
- Comment on the Role of Linda in Death of a Salesman
- Discuss Willy Loman as a Tragic Hero
- How Does O’Neill Treat the Theme of Sin and Retribution in Desire Under the Elms?
- Discuss You Never Can Tell as a Drama of Ideas
- Discuss the Theme of Revenge in Desire Under the Elms
- Analyze the Relationship Between the Father and his Sons in O’Neill’s Desire Under the Elms.
- Consider Desire Under the Elms as the Tragedy of Passion
- Analyze Miller's use of Dramatic Technique in Death of a Salesman.
- Discuss the Father-son Relationship in Death of a Salesman
- Comment on Shaw’s art of Characterization in You Never Can Tell
- Comment on Shaw’s Treatment of Love and Marriage.
- Justify the Title of You Never Can Tell.
- What is the “Paradise Hall”? What Does it Represent?
- What Does the ‘Moon’ Symbolize in The Glass Menagerie?
- What is the Symbolic Significance of the Unicorn?
- What is ‘Peculiar’ About Laura?
- What role Does Jim O’Connor Play in The Glass Menagerie?
- What Dramatic Techniques Do You Het in The Glass Menagerie?
- What is the Function of Ben in Death of a Salesman?
- Why did Willy Become a Salesman, and What Made Him Commit Suicide?
- Why Does Willy Think That His Sons Will Be Successful in Life?
- What is Linda’s Attitude Toward her Husband?
- Discuss the Themes, Including the American Dream in Death of a Salesman.
- Describe Cabot’s Faith in God
- Comment on the Significance of the Elms Trees and the Farm in Desire Under the Elms.
- Discuss the Theme of Loneliness in Desire Under the Elms.
- Who Conveys the Message at the End of You Never Can Tell, and What is it?
- Why Does the Relationship Between Mr Crampton and Mrs Clandon fail?
- How Does Valentine Win the Heart of Gloria?
- Write a Short Note on You Never Can Tell
- Laura is a Tragic Figure in The Glass Menagerie.
- Masters Modern Drama Suggestion | Session 2021-22
- Is “You Never Can Tell” an Anti-romantic Comedy?
- What Autobiographical Elements Do You Find in The Glass Menagerie?
- How far is Amanda Wingfield’s Obsession With the Past Responsible for the Doomed Present in The Glass Menagerie?
- How does Amanda’s Breams for her Daughter Contrast With the Realities?
- Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2016
- Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2015
- Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2017
- Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2018
- Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2019
- Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2020
- Masters Modern Drama Question Exam 2021
- NU Masters Viva Previous Years Brief 2020-21
- NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-4
- NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-3
- NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-2
- NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-5
- NTRCA School Written Exam Model Test-1
- Previous Question Modern Poetry Exam 2020 NU Masters
- Previous Question Modern Poetry Exam 2016 NU Masters
- Previous Question Modern Poetry Exam 2015 NU Masters
- Previous Question Modern Poetry Exam 2017 NU Masters
- Previous Question Modern Poetry Exam 2018 NU Masters
- Previous Question Modern Poetry Exam 2019 NU Masters
- William Shakespeare Exam 2021 NU Masters
- William Shakespeare Exam 2020 NU Masters
- William Shakespeare Exam 2019 NU Masters
- William Shakespeare Exam 2018 NU Masters
- William Shakespeare Exam 2017 NU Masters
- William Shakespeare Exam 2016 NU Masters
- William Shakespeare Exam 2015 NU Masters
- Chaucer Masters Exam 2017 Question Paper
- Chaucer Masters Exam 2018 Question Paper
- Chaucer Masters Exam 2020 Question Paper
- Chaucer Masters Exam 2019 Question Paper
- Chaucer Masters Exam 2021 Question Paper
- Chaucer Masters Exam 2016 Question Paper
- Chaucer Masters Exam 2015 Question Paper
- What is Paraphrasing?
- Comparative to Superlative
- Positive to Superlative
- Comparative to Positive
- Positive to Comparative
- Climate Change in Bangladesh
- Importance of Reading Newspaper
- Female Education
- Karnaphuli Tunnel
- Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh
- Benefits of Nuclear Power Plants
- Tree Plantation
- Challenges and Concerns of Nuclear Power Plants
- 14th NTRCA Exam 2017
- Write an Application to the Principal of Your College to Increase Common Room Facilities.
- Digital Bangladesh and Its Future
- Previous Years' Article and Solutions NTRCA School
- Unemployment Problem
- Write an application to the head of your department to arrange some extra classes on English Writing Skills."
- Write an Application to the Head of the Department of English Requesting him to Arrange the Birthday Celebration of William Shakespeare.
- Affirmative to Negative
- Assertive to Interrogative
- Assertive to Imperative
- Assertive to Exclamatory
- Superlative to Positive
- Superlative to Comparative
- Degree of Comparisons
- Example of Problem Solution Essay Writing
- How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay? (কিভাবে একটি Problem-Solution Essay লিখতে হয়?)
- 12th NTRCA Exam 2015
- 11th NTRCA Exam 2014
- 10th NTRCA Exam 2014
- 9th NTRCA Exam 2013
- 8th NTRCA Exam 2012
- Pahela Baishakh
- 3rd NTRC Exam Question 2007
- 6th NTRCA Exam Question 2010
- Smart Bangladesh
- Flood in Bangladesh
- Uses and Abuses of Facebook
- Drug Addiction
- Expected Benefits from the Bridge
- The Padma Bridge
- 13th NTRCA Exam 2016
- 15th NTRCA Exam 2018
- 16th NTRCA Exam 2019
- 17th NTRCA Exam 2023
- 7th NTRCA Exam 2011
- 4th NTRCA Exam Question 2008
- Artificial Intelligence/AI
- Problems of Women's Empowerment
- Benefits of The Metro-Railway
- How to Empower Women
- Metro-Railway in Bangladesh
- 5th NTRCA Exam Question 2009
- Write an Application to the Principal of Your College for a Seat in the College Hostel.
- Write an Application to Your Principal to Increase Indoor Game Facilities.
- Write a Job Application for the Post of a Lecturer in English
- Write an Application to a Company's Concerned Authority for the Assistant Marketing Manager post.
- Structure of Report Writing
- Write a Report on that Program to be Published in the Newspaper.
- Write a Newspaper Report on that Incident.
- Write a Report on the Victory Day Celebration.
- Write a Report on the Celebration of International Mother Language Day.
- Report on Devastating Fire in Multiplan Centre
- Write a letter to your father about the uses and abuses of AI.
- Write a letter to your younger brother about your experience of visiting Sundarbans.
- Write a letter to your friend advising him about the importance of good behavior.
- Write a letter to your brother telling him about the bad effects of smoking.
- Write a letter to your parents about your feelings about reading English literature.
- Write a letter to your younger brother about the uses and abuses of the Internet.
- The Padma Bridge
- Maintaining Good Health
- Literary Movement
- Traffic Congestion in Dhaka City
- Drug Addiction
- Friendship
- Price Hike
- Food Adulteration
- Importance of Learning English
- Traveling as a part of Education
- Environment Pollution
- Self Reliance
- Mobile Phone
- Simple, Complex and Compound
- NTRCA School Transformation of Sentences
- Rules of Voice Change
- Rules of Translation NTRCA Written
- Problem Paragraph
- NTRCA Previous Years' Translations and Solutions
- Examples of Passage Narration NTRCA School
- NTRCA Previous Year Narration
- Rules of Narration
- NTRCA Previous Year Completing Sentences
- Rules of Completing Sentences
- NTRCA Previous Years Phrases
- Global Warming
- Science Paragraph
- Person Paragraph
- Virtue Paragraph
- The Use of the Internet
- Eve-Teasing
- Facebook Paragraph
- Patriotism
- Trade Fair
- Pahela Baishakh
- NTRCA Written Important Phrase
- NTRCA School Preposition Previous Year Questions
- Rules of Right form of Verbs
- Passages (PrePosition) for Practice
- Preposition at a Glance
- Most Important Appropriate Prepositions
- Examples of Articles with Answers
- NTRCA School Right form of Verbs
- Right Form of Verbs Practices
- Correcting Sentences NTRCA School
- Practices of Correct the Sentences
- Previous Years Correcting Sentences
- Rules of Article (বাংলায়)
- Time Management of NTRCA Exam
- Syllabus of NTRCA School
- Rules of Preposition (বাংলায়)
- Preface to Shakespeare Bangla Summary
- Preface to the Lyrical Ballads Bangla Summary
- An Apology for Poetry Bangla Summary
- Why does Arnold call poetry “The Criticism of Life”?
- Biographia Literaria Bangla Summary
- Definition and Characteristics of Language
- Some Key Features of the Language
- Language and Parole
- The Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Perspectives of Language
- Competence and Performance
- Consonant and Vowel Sound
- Basic Rules of Elision and Assimilation
- Free and Bound Morphemes
- Word Formations Rules
- Psycholinguistics Bangla Summary
- Sociolinguistics Bangla Summary
- Language and Standard Language
- Dialects and Register
- Language and Culture
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- বুদ্ধিজীবী শ্রেণি বলতে কি বুঝ? তৃতীয় বিশ্বের দেশসমূহে বুদ্ধিজীবী সম্প্রদায়ের ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর।
- Locksley Hall Bangla Summary
- Oenone Bangla Summary
- The Lotos-Eaters Bangla Summary
- Tithonus Bangla Summary
- The Last Ride Together Bangla Summary
- Andrea Del Sarto Bangla Summary
- Fra Lippo Lippi Bangla Summary
- Thyrsis Bangla Summary
- She Stoops to Conquer Bangla Summary
- The Rape of the Lock Bangla Summary
- The Way of the World Bangla Summary
- Pied Beauty Bangla Summary
- Spring and Fall Bangla Summary
- Felix Randal Bangla Summary
- The Wind Hover Bangla Summary
- Dover Beach Bangla Summary
- The Scholar Gipsy Bangla Summary
- My Last Duchess Bangla Summary
- Poetics by Aristotle Bangla Summary
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Informing Him about the Role of AI.
- Write a Letter to Your Brother Telling Him About the Bad Effects of Smoking.
- Write a Letter to Your Father Informing Him about Your Career Plan.
- Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother About the Negative Effects of Eve-Teasing.
- Write a Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper Regarding Price-Hike.
- Write a job application for the lecturer post in English.
- Write a letter to a newspaper editor expressing your concern about mobile addiction among the younger generation.
- Write an application to the Divisional Forest Officer, Khulna, asking permission to visit the Sundarbans.
- Write a joining letter to the university Registrar after you have been offered the lecturer post at the university.
- Write a letter to a newspaper editor commenting on the traffic jam in Dhaka City.
- Write an application to a company's concerned authority for the Assistant Marketing Manager post.
- Write a letter of sympathy to a sick friend in the hospital.
- Write an application to the college principal for the English lecturer post.
- Write a complaint letter about the delayed delivery of a micro-oven you ordered a week ago.
- Draft a Letter to the press highlighting the importance of maintaining austerity in National Life.
- Write a letter to the editor of a daily giving your views on reading books for the youths of the country.
- Write a letter to your friend informing him about the importance of e-communication.
- Write a letter to a newspaper editor focusing on your views on private coaching.
- Write an application to the Superintendent of Police for the police patrol at night in your municipality ward.
- Write a letter to the editor of a daily commenting on the falling standard of English among the students today.
- Verb তৈরি করার কৌশল
- Noun তৈরির কৌশল
- Adjective তৈরির কৌশল
- Adverb তৈরির কৌশল
- Practice word-changing
- NTRCA English Written Syllabus School Level
- Use of As If / As Though
- Rules of Completing Sentences
- NTRCA Previous Year Question of Changing Sentences
- Examples of Completing Sentences
- Rule of That/ So That / in order that
- Lest / In Case এর ব্যবহার
- Though / Although এর ব্যবহার
- No sooner had……than, Hardly had …… before, Scarcely had …… when এর ব্যবহার
- As Soon As এর ব্যবহার
- Preposition এর পরে Verb এর ব্যবহার
- Till / Until এর ব্যবহার
- In spite of / Despite এর ব্যবহার
- It is time / It is high time / it is now time এর ব্যবহার
- Instead of/In lieu of এর ব্যবহার
- Conditional Sentences এর ব্যবহার
- Since এর ব্যবহার
- So…. that এর ব্যবহার
- Would rather এর ব্যবহার
- Figures of Speech Epigram
- Figures of Speech Symbol
- Figures of Speech Simile
- Let alone এর ব্যবহার
- Unless এর ব্যবহার
- Relative pronoun এর ব্যবহার
- Too…. to এর ব্যবহার
- Not only…. but also এর ব্যবহার
- Because of এর ব্যবহার
- As long as এর ব্যবহার
- Figures of Speech (বাংলায়)
- Figures of Speech Metaphor
- Figures of Speech Image
- Figures of Speech Irony
- Figures of Speech Conceit
- Figures of Speech Personification
- Figures of Speech Hyperbole
- Figures of Speech Paradox
- Literary Term Romance
- NTRCA English Written Syllabus College Level
- Figures of Speech Climax
- Figures of Speech Anti-Climax
- Definition of Literary Terms
- Literary Term Epic
- Literary Term Elegy
- Literary Term Comedy
- Literary Term Play
- Literary Term Drama
- Literary Term Novel
- Literary Term Dramatic Monologue
- Literary Term Monologue
- Literary Term Pastoral Poetry
- Literary Term Lyric
- Literary Term Ballad
- Literary Term Ode
- Literary Term Allegory
- Literary Term Short Story
- Literary Term Tragi-Comedy
- Literary Term Tragedy
- Literary Term Sonnet
- Literary Term Mock Epic
- Literary Term Three Unities
- Literary Term Satire
- Literary Term Gnomes
- Literary Term Metaphysical poetry
- Literary Term Free Verse
- Literary Term Blank Verse
- Literary Term Personification
- Literary Term Conceit
- Literary Term Epigram
- Literary Term Morality Plays
- Literary Term Fable
- Literary Term Interlude
- Literary Term Soliloquy
- Literary Term Melodrama
- Literary Term Parable
- Literary Term Poetic Justice
- Literary Term Poetry
- Literary Term Miracle Plays
- Continental Literature Suggestion Exam 2022
- Special Brief Suggestion Modern Drama
- Suggestion of Modern Drama Exam 2022
- Comment on the Treatment of Love and Marriage in The Importance of Being Earnest (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest as a Social Satire. (বাংলায়)
- How is the Mystery of Jack Worthing's Identity Revealed at the End of The Importance of Being Earnest? (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Lady Bracknell(বাংলায়)
- "Waiting For Godot" is an Absurd Drama(বাংলায়)
- What Conception of Time and Place is Reflected in Beckett's Waiting For Godot? (বাংলায়)
- How is the Harmonious Relationship Between Mick and Aston Affected by the Outsider Davies? Discuss.(বাংলায়)
- Do You find any Religious Significance in Waiting for Godot? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Theme of Nothingness in Waiting for Godot (বাংলায়)
- Justify the Title of The Caretaker (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Theme of Isolation in Harold Pinter's “The Caretaker.”(বাংলায়)
- How Does “Look Back in Anger” Reflect the Post-World War? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss “Look Back in Anger” as a Play of Class Distinction. (বাংলায়)
- In What Sense is Jimmy Porter an Unheroic Hero? (বাংলায়)
- Estragon and Vladimir are Waiting for Godot Everybody's Waiting for Something Unattainable.(বাংলায়)
- Do You Call “The Caretaker” by Harold Pinter is a Comedy? (বাংলায়)
- Special Brief American Poetry
- Suggestion of American Poetry Exam 2022
- How Does Langston Hughes Expose some Ugly Aspects of American Life? (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate Whitman as a Poet of Democracy. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Walt Whitman as a Mystic Poet. (বাংলায়)
- Consider “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom” as an Elegy.(বাংলায়)
- Death as the Recurring Symbol of Dickinson’s Poetry. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Major Themes in Emily Dickinson's Poetry you Have Read. (বাংলায়)
- Critically Analyze the Poem “I Felt a Funeral in My Brain” by Emily Dickinson. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Mysticism in Emily Dickinson's Poetry. (বাংলায়)
- ভালো ফলাফলের জন্য যা জানা জরুরী
- Discuss Robert Frost as a Modern Poet. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Theme of Alienation in Robert Frost’s poetry. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Elements of Anti-Racialism in the Poems of Langston Hughes. (বাংলায়)
- Give an Estimate of Langston Hughes as an American Poet concerning the Poems you Have Read. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Major Themes of Langston Hughes Poems you Have Read. (বাংলায়)
- Show the Religious Significance of the Poem “Wild Nights - Wild Nights” (বাংলায়)
- How Does Dickinson Express Her Love in “Wild Nights - Wild Nights?”(বাংলায়)
- How Long Will Emily Dickinson Continue Bringing the Alcohol or Nectar from Nature in the poem “I Taste a Liquor.”(বাংলায়)
- How Does Dickinson Treat Immortality in Her Poems? (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate Robert Frost as a Poet of Nature. (বাংলায়)
- What Dramatic Qualities Do You Find in the Poem “The Death of a Hired Man”?(বাংলায়)
- Why Was Warren Unwilling to Hire Silas Anymore? (বাংলায়)
- Analyze the Theme of the Poem “The Road Not Taken.”(বাংলায়)
- What Does the Speaker of “After Apple - Picking” Foretell About His Breams? (বাংলায়)
- How Does Walt Whitman Express His Grief Over the Beath of the Captain? (বাংলায়)
- What is the Background of the poem “ O Captain! My Captain!”?(বাংলায়)
- What Does the Poet ignore to pay His Last Respect to the Person he Loves? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on Whitman's Use of Symbols.(বাংলায়)
- How Does Whitman Describe the Beauties of His “Own Manhattan”? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Rural Setting in the Poems of Robert Frost. (বাংলায়)
- Show the Racial Inequality in the Poem I, too, Sing America. (বাংলায়)
- How are the Rivers Mentioned in “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Associated With the Negro Slavery? (বাংলায়)
- Why Did Frost Choose the Less Travelled Road?(বাংলায়)
- Special Brief American Literature(বাংলায়)
- How was the Singer Singing on Lenox Avenue at night?(বাংলায়)
- Do You Think “I, Too, Sing America” Expresses the Optimistic View of the Black American Slave? (বাংলায়)
- What Did Langston Hughes Learn From his Visit to the Rivers? (বাংলায়)
- Do You Think Langston Hughes is an Optimistic Poet? (বাংলায়)
- Suggestion of American Literature: Fiction and Drama Exam 2022 (বাংলায়)
- What Similarities Do You Find Between the Poet and the Tree at the Window in the Poem 'Tree at My Window'? (বাংলায়)
- What is an Allegory? Evaluate 'Young Goodman Brown' as an allegory.(বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Message of Hawthorne in Young Goodman Brown.(বাংলায়)
- Depict the Picture of Human Regression Bue to Industrialization Through the light of the Play ‘The Hairy Ape.’(বাংলায়)
- Describe the Class Conflict in ‘The Hairy Ape’.(বাংলায়)
- “The Hairy Ape” as a Modern Tragedy. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Major Themes of the Tragedy “The Hairy Ape”.(বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Impact of World War I on the lives of the Characters of The Sun Also Rises. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Significance of the Title “The Sun Also Rises”.(বাংলায়)
- How can Jake Barnes Be Treated as Hemingway's Code hero in “The Sun Also Rises”?(বাংলায়)
- How Did the Idea of Masculinity Change After World War 1, as you Find in “The Sun Also Rises”?(বাংলায়)
- Justify the Title of the Novel “Seize the Day.”(বাংলায়)
- Saul Bellow’s Attitude Toward Contemporary American Society. (বাংলায়)
- How Did Tommy Wilhelm Get his Freedom in 'Seize the Day”?(বাংলায়)
- What are the Reasons For Wilhelm's Failure in Modern Competition? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Treatment of Supernatural Elements in 'Beloved'.(বাংলায়)
- Critically Discuss the Role of Paul D.(বাংলায়)
- Give a Pen Picture of the House in Morrison's 'Beloved.'(বাংলায়)
- Discuss “Beloved” as a Novel of Institutionalized Dehumanization. (বাংলায়)
- Does the Character Faith Bear Faith in 'Young Goodman Brown'?(বাংলায়)
- What Does “the Stuff” Symbolize in 'Young Goodman Brown”?(বাংলায়)
- Yank is a Tragic Character. (বাংলায়)
- What Does the Forest Represent in the Story “Young Goodman Brown”?(বাংলায়)
- What Does the Pink Ribbon Signify? (বাংলায়)
- Where Does Young Goodman Brown Go Wrong? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note About Mildred Douglas. (বাংলায়)
- “Christ, Where. Do I Get Off? Where Do I fit in?” -Explain. (বাংলায়)
- What is the Significance of Fifth Avenue in ‘The Hairy Ape’?(বাংলায়)
- What Conflicts Do We Find in 'The Sun Also Rises”?(বাংলায়)
- Show the Differences Between Jake Barnes and Pedro Romero. (বাংলায়)
- How is the Relationship Between Jake Barnes and Lady Brett? (বাংলায়)
- Is Seize the Day as a Novella? Why?(বাংলায়)
- Assess the Relationship Between Dr. Adler and Tommy Wilhelm. (বাংলায়)
- What is the Significance of the Funeral Scene in 'Seize the Day'?(বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note About Hotel Gloriana. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Baby Suggs Treat Sethe? (বাংলায়)
- Why Did Sethe Kill Beloved? (বাংলায়)
- Give a Brief Description of Denver in 'Beloved'.(বাংলায়)
- Write on the Theme of Memory in 'Beloved'.(বাংলায়)
- How Does Beloved Help Denver Get an Independent Identity? (বাংলায়)
- Compare Jake's Relationship With Brett and Cohn's Relationship with Frances in “The Sun Also Rises”.(বাংলায়)
- How Does the Bear and Squirrel Game Contribute to the Dramatic Interest in Look Back in Anger? (বাংলায়)
- How does “The Importance of Being Earnest” Convey a Serious Message Through Comic Situations? (বাংলায়)
- In What Sense is The Importance of Being Ernest Anti-Feminist and Anti-Romantic? (বাংলায়)
- What are the Sources of Laughter in “The Importance of Being Earnest? (বাংলায়)
- What is the Cause of Lady Bracknell’s Rejection of Jack Worthing's Proposal to Marry Gwendolen? (বাংলায়)
- How is Jack's Identity Revealed in the Importance of Being Earnest? (বাংলায়)
- What Does Anti-Feminist Writing Mean? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on “Theatre of the Absurd.”(বাংলায়)
- Describe the Setting of “Waiting For Godot.”(বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Use of Time in “Waiting For Godot.” (বাংলায়)
- Explain Beckett's View of the Human Condition as Presented in “Waiting for Godot.” (বাংলায়)
- How Do Vladimir and Estragon Pass the Time While Waiting For Godot? (বাংলায়)
- How Does Samuel Beckett Present Godot in the Play “Waiting For Godot”?(বাংলায়)
- How Does Harold Pinter present the theme of ‘love for Power’ in “The Caretaker”?(বাংলায়)
- Why Was Davies Fired From His Job at the Cafe? (বাংলায়)
- What Role Does Helena Play in Separating and Uniting Jimmy Porter and Alison? (বাংলায়)
- How Did Mick want to Decorate his Room? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Role of Davies in The Caretaker(বাংলায়)
- The Theme of Human Relationships in “The Caretaker”(বাংলায়)
- In What Sense Does Davies Represent Every Man? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Jimmy Dislike Religious Practices? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Deast Imagery in Look Back in Anger.(বাংলায়)
- What is the Significance of the 'Dear and Squirrel' Game in 'Look Back in Anger'?(বাংলায়)
- What Symbols are Used in 'Look Back in Anger'?(বাংলায়)
- What are the Misfortunes in Alison's life in 'Look Back in Anger'?(বাংলায়)
- Modern Poetry Previous Year Brief (2014-2020)
- বাংলাদেশের সমাজ ও সংস্কৃতিতে নগরায়ন ও শিল্পায়নের প্রভাব ও প্রতিবন্ধকতা সমূহ
- বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের আর্থসামাজিক ও রাজনৈতিক পটভূমি আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশ উদ্ভবের ঐতিহাসিক পটভূমি আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশের নারীর ক্ষমতায়নে সরকারের গৃহীত পদক্ষেপ সমূহ আলোচনা কর
- বাংলাদেশের বর্তমান সমাজব্যবস্থায় ইসলামিক মূল্যবোধ কিভাবে প্রভাব বিস্তার করছে?
- বুদ্ধিজীবী শ্রেণি বলতে কি বুঝ? তৃতীয় বিশ্বের দেশসমূহে বুদ্ধিজীবী সম্প্রদায়ের ভূমিকা
- শিক্ষার্থী ঝড়ে পড়া রোধে বাংলাদেশ সরকারের গৃহীত পদক্ষেপসমূহ
- বাংলাদেশের গ্রামীণ সমাজের সামাজিক স্তরবিন্যাস আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশের গ্রামীণ উন্নয়নে স্থানীয় সরকারের ভূমিকা পর্যালোচনা কর।
- চাকমা ও গারো এথনিক গোষ্ঠীর জীবনধারা আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশের গারো উপজাতির আর্থসামাজিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক জীবনধারা সম্পর্কে আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশের গ্রামীণ সমাজের পরিবারের পরিবর্তনশীল ভূমিকা পর্যালোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশের সমাজের সামাজিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক পটভূমি
- বাংলাদেশের জনগোষ্ঠীর নরগোষ্ঠী গত পরিচয়
- বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় উন্নয়নের রেমিটেন্স এর গুরুত্ব
- বাংলাদেশের সুশাসনের সমস্যাবলি ব্যাখ্যা করুন
- Suggestion of Political Organisation and The Political System of the UK and USA
- Suggestion of Bangladesh Sociology
- Suggestion of Bangladesh Society and Culture
- Suggestion of 20th Century Poetry Exam 2022(বাংলায়)
- Special Brief Suggestion of 20th Century Poetry (বাংলায়)
- Comment on W. B. Yeats' Treatment of History and Myth in his Poetry (বাংলায়)
- Critically Comment on Yeats' Use of Symbols.(বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Personal Elements of Yeats's Poetry(বাংলায়)
- Sailing to Byzantium Deals With Yeats's journey From the Sensual to the Spiritual World (বাংলায়)
- Shakespeare Previous Year Brief (2014-2020)
- What Irony do you Find in the Title of the Poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'(বাংলায়)
- Discuss how T. S. Eliot Reflects the Disorder and Decay of Modern Civilization in his Poem 'The Waste Land'.(বাংলায়)
- The Theme of Salvation in the Poem ‘The Waste Land.’(বাংলায়)
- Special Brief 20th Century Novel(বাংলায়)
- Suggestion of 20th Century Novel Exam 2022(বাংলায়)
- How Does Conrad Treat the Theme of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness?”(বাংলায়)
- Explicate the Significance of the Dying Words of Kurtz: “The Horror! The Horror!”(বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Significance of Marabar Caves in A Passage to India.(বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Theme of Conflict of Cultures in A Passage to India.(বাংলায়)
- Justify the Title of the Novel A Passage to India. (বাংলায়)
- Justify the Title “The Heart of Darkness”.(বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Father-son Relationship in “Sons and Lovers”.’(বাংলায়)
- Justify the Novel's Title, ‘The Grass is Singing.’(বাংলায়)
- Portray the Character of Mary in 'The Grass is Singing'.’(বাংলায়)
- The Novel Grass is Singing is the Story of a Failed Marriage.’(বাংলায়)
- What Picture of Social life do You Find in the Novel “The Grass is Singing” (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Theme of Mother Fixation in “Sons and Lovers”’(বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Man-Woman Conflict in Sons and Lovers.’(বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Significance of the journey To the Lighthouse.’(বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Major Themes of the Novel “To The Lighthouse”’(বাংলায়)
- Discuss Forster’s Use of Symbolism in A Passage to India.’(বাংলায়)
- What Does 'Ivory' Signify in Heart of Darkness? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Significance of the Title “Heart of Darkness.”(বাংলায়)
- What is the Background of the Novel Heart of Darkness? (বাংলায়)
- What Does the Knitting of Black Wool Signify in the Novel Heart of Darkness? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does the Briarty in A Passage to India Fail? (বাংলায়)
- How Does the Novel “A Passage to India” End? (বাংলায়)
- Why did the Friendship Between Dr Aziz and Mr Fielding fall? (বাংলায়)
- Briefly Describe the Marabar Caves in A Passage to India.(বাংলায়)
- Sketch Briefly the Character of Adela Quested in A Passage to India.(বাংলায়)
- Why is Lily Briscoe Dissatisfied With her Picture? (বাংলায়)
- Briefly Discuss the Role of Mrs. Ramsay. (বাংলায়)
- What are Mrs. Ramsay's Views on Marriage? (বাংলায়)
- Why was Gertrude Morel Unhappy with her Husband? (বাংলায়)
- Why did Paul's Relationship With Miriam fail? (বাংলায়)
- Bring out the Significance of Paul and Miriam's Relationship in “Sons and Lovers.”(বাংলায়)
- Significance of Paul and Clara's Relationship in “Sons and Lovers”.(বাংলায়)
- What Influence of Modern Psychology Do You Notice in “Sons And Lovers”?(বাংলায়)
- What Truth is Revealed Through the Murder of Mary by Moses? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on 'Apartheid'.(বাংলায়)
- Trace the Autobiographical Element in The Grass is Singing. (বাংলায়)
- Chaucer Previous Years Brief (2014-2020)
- What Symbols Are Used by Eliot in the Poem 'The Waste Land'? (বাংলায়)
- How Does Eliot link the past and the Present in The Waste Land? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Symbols in the Poem “Poem in October.” (বাংলায়)
- Critically Evaluate the Poem “Poem in October.” (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Treatment of Childhood in the Poem “Poem in October.”(বাংলায়)
- The Theme of Motherhood in Sylvia Plath’s Poems(বাংলায়)
- Comment on Sylvia Plath's Poetic Technique. (বাংলায়)
- Write a Critical Appreciation of the Poem “Crossing the Water”.(বাংলায়)
- Write a Critical Appreciation of the Poem “The Rival”.(বাংলায়)
- Trace Yeats' Changing Attitude to Contemporary Irish Revolutionaries. (বাংলায়)
- In what Sense is The Lake Isle of Innisfree a Poem About Escapism? (বাংলায়)
- What is Yeats's Attitude to the Old Age in the Poem Sailing to Byzantium? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on Spiritus Mundi.(বাংলায়)
- What Does Innisfree Symbolize in the Poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by Yeats? (বাংলায়)
- Explain the Significance of the Title, The Love Alfred Prufrock. (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Inner Conflict of Prufrock (বাংলায়)
- Why is Prufrock Not Willing to Compare Himself with Hamlet? (বাংলায়)
- The Waste Land is a Sign of Vanished Glory of Past.-Explain(বাংলায়)
- Why is 'April' Cruel to the Waste Landers? (বাংলায়)
- Analyze T. S. Eliot's Treatment of Sex in 'The Fire Sermon.'(বাংলায়)
- Depict the Life of the Waste Landers (বাংলায়)
- Why is London Called an “Unreal City” in “The Waste Land”?(বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the “Holy Grail.” (বাংলায়)
- Trace Different Images Used in the "Poem in October" (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Significance of the Character of Madame Sosostris in The Waste Land (বাংলায়)
- What Prayer Does Dylan Thomas Offer at the End of the Poem “Poem in October”? (বাংলায়)
- Trace the Poet's Shades of Feelings on his Birthday in the Poem in October (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on 'Surrealism.' (বাংলায়)
- How is the Battle of the Sexes Reflected in the Poem The Rival? (বাংলায়)
- What are the Different Stages of the Journey in Plath's Poem “Crossing the Water”? (বাংলায়)
- What Features of Song Do You Get in the Poem “Morning Song” by Sylvia Plath (বাংলায়)
- What is the Significance of the Three 'Da's in The Waste Land? (বাংলায়)
- ইসলামী সংস্কৃতি কী? ইসলাম ধর্মের পাঁচটি স্তম্ভ লেখ
- কুমিল্লা মডেল কি এবং এর উদ্দেশ্য সমূহ সংক্ষেপে বর্ণনা কর
- নারী উন্নয়নে ব্র্যাক এর কর্মসূচিগুলো কী?
- আদিবাসী ও উপজাতিদের মধ্যে পার্থক্য নিরূপণ কর
- ভূমি সংস্কার বলতে কি বুঝায় এবং এর উদ্দেশ্য কি?
- চিরস্থায়ী বন্দোবস্তের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো লেখ
- জ্ঞাতি সম্পর্ক কি?
- প্রবেশন কি?
- পল্লী উন্নয়ন বলতে কি বুঝ?
- শ্রেণী ও জাতি বর্ণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য নির্ণয় করো?
- সুশীল সমাজ বলতে কি বুঝ?
- নগর দারিদ্র্যের সংজ্ঞা দাও। নগর দারিদ্র্যের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো লিখ
- কৃষি কাঠামো বলতে কী বুঝায়? বাংলাদেশের কৃষির বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী লেখ
- প্রজননশীলতা ও মরণশীলতা কী?
- মর্যাদা গোষ্ঠী প্রত্যয়টি ব্যাখ্যা কর
- প্রবেশন এবং প্যারোল কি? এদের মধ্যে পার্থক্য নিরূপণ কর।
- সামাজিকীকরণ ও সুশাসনের সংজ্ঞা দাও।
- উপনিবেশবাদ বলতে কি বুঝ?
- গ্রামীণ ক্ষমতা কাঠামো বলতে কি বুঝ? গ্রামীণ ক্ষমতা কাঠামোর উপাদানসমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- স্থানীয় সরকার ও আমলাতন্ত্র কী?
- দারিদ্র এবং দারিদ্র্যের দুষ্টচক্র বলতে কি বুঝ?
- জ্ঞাতি সম্পর্কের সংজ্ঞা দাও
- সামাজিক অসমতা বলতে কি বুঝ?
- ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষ শিক্ষা কী?
- রাজনৈতিক সংস্কৃতি কী?
- মধ্যবিত্ত শ্রেণীর সংজ্ঞা দাও। বাংলায় মধ্যবিত্ত শ্রেণীর উদ্ভব ও বিকাশ আলোচনা কর।
- ভাষা আন্দোলন বলতে কি বুঝ? ১৯৫২ সালের ভাষা আন্দোলনের গুরুত্ব আলোচনা কর।
- বাঙালি জাতির জনগোষ্ঠীর নৃগোষ্ঠীগত পরিচয় বিশদভাবে আলোচনা কর
- সমকালীন বাংলাদেশের সমাজ ও সংস্কৃতির উপর নগরায়নের প্রভাব আলোচনা কর।
- ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশে ব্রিটিশ শাসনের প্রভাব আলোচনা কর
- বাংলাদেশের জনসংখ্যা কাঠামোর বৈশিষ্ট্য সমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- সামাজিকীকরণ বলতে কি বুঝ? সামাজিকীকরণে পরিবার ও ধর্মের ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর।
- সমকালীন বাংলাদেশে বিবাহ ও পরিবারের পরিবর্তনশীল রূপ আলোচনা কর।
- সাঁওতাল এথনিক সম্প্রদায়ের জীবন ধারা আলোচনা কর।
- নারীর ক্ষমতায়ন বা নারী উন্নয়নে বাংলাদেশ সরকারের গৃহীত পদক্ষেপসমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশে পল্লী উন্নয়নের প্রতিবন্ধকতাসমূহ পর্যালোচনা কর।
- গ্রামীণ বাংলাদেশের ভূমিস্বত্ব ব্যবস্থা আলোচনা কর।
- বাংলাদেশে বিরাজমান রাজনৈতিক সংস্কৃতির প্রকৃতি মূল্যায়ন কর।
- বাংলাদেশে দুর্নীতি প্রতিরোধের উপায়সমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- সুশীল সমাজ বলতে কি বুঝ? বাংলাদেশের গণতন্ত্রায়নে সুশীল সমাজের ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর।
- Previous Year Brief Bangladesh Sociology
- Bangladesh Sociology Special Brief Suggestion
- Shakespeare Quotation for Masters
- Chaucer Important Quotations
- What is the Relationship Between the Novel and the Western Empire? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Culture as an Instrument of Imperialism, According to Edward Said. (বাংলায়)
- What are the Qualities of a Classical Poet, According to Matthew Arnold? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Different Estimates Enunciated by Arnold. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Eagleton’s Assessment of Arnold’s View of the Role of Literature as a Substitute for Religion. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Eagleton Evaluate ‘New Criticism’?(বাংলায়)
- What are Terry Eagleton’s Views on Eliot’s Contribution to English Poetry? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Eagleton’s Evaluation of T.S. Eliot as a Great Modern Poet. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Edward Said Define ‘Culture’ with Its Twofold Implications? (বাংলায়)
- What are Said’s Main Concerns in Writing ‘Culture and Imperialism’? (বাংলায়)
- What are the Similarities between Some Elizabethan Dramatists and Metaphysical Poets? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on ‘Metaphysical Poetry’. (বাংলায়)
- How Did Eliot Assess Johnson as a Critic of the Metaphysical Poets? (বাংলায়)
- What Were the Influences of Milton and Dryden on the Poets of Later Ages? (বাংলায়)
- What is Arnold’s View of Chaucer as a Poet? (বাংলায়)
- What Nature of Western Imperialism is Highlighted by Edward Said in his “Introduction to Culture and Imperialism”? (বাংলায়)
- What is Charlatanism? (বাংলায়)
- Major Themes of ‘Culture and Imperialism’ (বাংলায়)
- Bring out How Eagleton Links the Rise of English to the Crisis in Modern Civilization. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Role of the English Novel in Perpetuating Imperial Rule. (বাংলায়)
- What is Terry Eagleton's View on Romanticism? (বাংলায়)
- The Background of Writing “Culture and Imperialism” (বাংলায়)
- How does Eliot Justify that the Elizabethan and the Jacobean Poets were Intelligent and the Later Poets were Reflective? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Joseph Conrad as an Imperialist and Anti-Imperialist. (বাংলায়)
- Define the Terms “Unification of Sensibility and Dissociation of Sensibility.” (বাংলায়)
- What Similarities Does Eliot Discover Between Modern Poets and Metaphysical Poets? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss “Touchstone Method” (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Matthew Arnold as a Critic with Reference to “The Study of Poetry.” (বাংলায়)
- How does Arnold Evaluate Dryden, Pope, Gray and Burns? (বাংলায়)
- Suggestion of Literary Criticism
- Literary Criticism Special Brief Suggestion
- How Did the Development of English Help British Imperialism Flourish in the 19th Century and Onward? (বাংলায়)
- What Was the Literary Background of 18th-Century England? (বাংলায়)
- Write about the Main Novelists of 20th-Century English Literature and Compare Them with the Victorian Novelists. (বাংলায়)
- What Social Picture Do You Notice in Modern Poetry? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Conflict Between Science and Religion of the Victorian Period. (বাংলায়)
- Consider Tennyson as a Representative Poet of the Victorian Age. (বাংলায়)
- Examine the Influence of the French Revolution on Romantic Poetry. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Salient Features of Romanticism in the Works of the Major Romantic Poets. (বাংলায়)
- Political Organization and Political System of UK and USA Brief Suggestion
- Political Organization and Political System of UK and USA Suggestion
- Political Organization and Political System of UK and USA Previous year Brief
- সংবিধানের শ্রেণিবিভাগ ও বৈশিষ্ট্য গুলো আলোচনা কর।
- ব্রিটিশ সংবিধানের উৎসগুলো কী কী?
- গণতন্ত্র ও একনায়কতন্ত্রের মধ্যে পার্থক্য নির্ণয় কর।
- যুক্তরাজ্যের আইনসভার গঠন ব্যাখ্যা কর।
- ক্যাবিনেটের একনায়কতন্ত্র কি?
- যুক্তরাষ্ট্রীয় সরকারের বৈশিষ্ট্য সমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ‘Spoil system' কী?
- চাপ সৃষ্টিকারী গোষ্ঠী ও রাজনৈতিক দলের মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি?
- মার্কিন সংবিধানের নিয়ন্ত্রণ ও ভারসাম্য নীতি আলোচনা কর।
- সিনেটের সৌজন্য বিধি বলতে কী বোঝো?
- রাজা কোন অন্যায় করতে পারে না ব্যাখ্যা কর।
- বিচার বিভাগীয় পর্যালোচনা কি?
- সংবিধানের সংজ্ঞা দাও। উত্তম সংবিধানের বৈশিষ্ট্য আলোচনা কর।
- মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের রাষ্ট্রপতির ক্ষমতা ও কার্যাবলী আলোচনা কর।
- জনমতের সংজ্ঞা দাও। জনমত গঠনের উপায়
- গণতন্ত্রের সংজ্ঞা দাও। গণতন্ত্রের সফলতার শর্তগুলো লেখ।
- রাজনৈতিক দলের সংজ্ঞা দাও। গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রে রাজনৈতিক দলের ভূমিকা বিশ্লেষণ কর।
- ব্রিটেন ও মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের দলীয় ব্যবস্থার একটি তুলনামূলক আলোচনা কর।
- ব্রিটেনে রাজতন্ত্র টিকে থাকার কারণসমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- নির্বাচক মন্ডলীর সংজ্ঞা দাও। আধুনিক গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রের নির্বাচক মন্ডলীর ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর।
- মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সিনেট ও ব্রিটেনের লর্ডসভার তুলনামূলক আলোচনা কর।
- বিচার বিভাগের স্বাধীনতা বলতে কী বোঝো? বিচার বিভাগের স্বাধীনতা রক্ষার উপায় সমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- ব্রিটিশ পার্লামেন্ট সার্বভৌম উক্তিটি ব্যাখ্যা কর।
- মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সিনেটের গঠন, ক্ষমতা ও কার্যাবলী আলোচনা কর।
- প্রথা বলতে কী বোঝো? বৃটেনের রাজনৈতিক ব্যবস্থায় প্রথা কেন মান্য করা হয়?
- Pantheism (বাংলায়)
- Negative Capability (বাংলায়)
- History of English Literature Previous Year Brief
- Special Brief Question of History of English Literature
- Which Period is Called “The Romantic Revival” and Why? (বাংলায়)
- Hellenism (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on “Dramatic Monologue” (বাংলায়)
- What is the Oxford Movement? (বাংলায়)
- What do You Know about The Origin of Species? (বাংলায়)
- What is Absurd Drama? (বাংলায়)
- What is Stream of Consciousness? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on the Drama of Ideas. (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on Beowulf. (বাংলায়)
- What do You Know about the Norman Conquest and Its Effect on English literature? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Chaucer as a Representative Poet of His Age (বাংলায়)
- Why is Chaucer Called the Father of English Poetry? (বাংলায়)
- Who are the Metaphysical Poets? Evaluate Their Contribution to English Literature. (বাংলায়)
- Why is the Elizabethan Age Called the Golden Age of English Literature? (বাংলায়)
- What Do You Know About Renaissance Drama? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Development of Comedy of Manners. (বাংলায়)
- What is Restoration? Discuss the Historical and Political Background of the Age. (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate the Prose Satirist of the Restoration Age. (বাংলায়)
- Why is the Neo-Classical Age Called the Age of Prose and Reason? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on Pope's Works and Contribution to the Neo-Classical Age. (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Main Trends of the Neo-Classical Age, Focusing on the Satirical Tone of Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift. (বাংলায়)
- Victorian Compromise (বাংলায়)
- বাংলাদেশের সমাজবিজ্ঞান বিগত সালের (২০১৭) ব্রিফ প্রশ্নের উত্তর
- বাংলাদেশের সমাজবিজ্ঞান বিগত সালের (২০১৬) ব্রিফ প্রশ্নের উত্তর
- Study these poems Critically: London, The Chimney Sweeper, Tiger. (বাংলা)
- What Do You Know about King Alfred? (বাংলা)
- Write a Short Note on 'The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.' (বাংলা)
- What Do You Know about the Hundred Years’ War? (বাংলা)
- Write a Short Note on the Black Death. (বাংলা)
- Write a Short Note on Reformation (বাংলা)
- Who Are the Cavelier Poets? (বাংলা)
- Who Are the University Wits? (বাংলা)
- What Are the Chief Characteristics of Restoration Literature? (বাংলা)
- Who is Sir Roger De Coverley? (বাংলা)
- Write a Short Note Gothic Novel. (বাংলা)
- Write a Brief Note on “Lyrical Ballad.” (বাংলা)
- What Is the Significance of the Title “Pride and Prejudice”? (বাংলায়)
- Romantic Poetry Previous Years Brief Questions
- Write a Critical Appreciation of the Poem "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer." (বাংলায়)
- How is the World of Mankind Contrasted with that of the Nightingale in 'Ode to a Nightingale'? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Keats as a Poet of Sensuousness. (বাংলায়)
- What are the Features of a Byronic Hero? (বাংলায়)
- "Kubla Khan" is a Product of Romanticism (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Imagery in the Poem "Kubla Khan." (বাংলায়)
- How does Coleridge Mingle Natural and Supernatural in the Poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Theme of Loss and Compensation in Immortality Ode (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Wordsworth's Attitude Towards Childhood as Revealed in the “Immortality Ode.” (বাংলায়)
- What are the Three Stages of Growth that Wordsworth Refers to in "Tintern Abbey"? (বাংলায়)
- Bing Out the Mystified Elements in Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Blake Represent Two Contrary States of the Human Soul? (বাংলায়)
- Write on Blake's Use of Symbolism. (বাংলায়)
- “Don Juan Canto-I” Is a Social Satire -Discuss. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Shelley Idealize the Bird Skylark? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Shelley's Use of Imagery in His Poem "To a Skylark." (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on Shelly's Treatment of Nature in Adonais. (বাংলায়)
- Do You Think Keats Wants to Escape From Reality? (বাংলায়)
- Consider Keats as a Romantic Poet with Reference to His Odes. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Byron Satirize the Idea of Conventional Love and Marriage in “Don Juan, Canto 1”?(বাংলায়)
- 19th Century Novel Suggestion Exam 2022
- Love and Marriage Are the Dominant Issues Focused in Pride and Prejudice (বাংলায়)
- Comment on Jane Austen's Use of Irony in Pride and Prejudice. (বাংলায়)
- Special Brief Suggestion 19th Century Novel
- Evaluate Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities as a Historical Novel (বাংলায়)
- Discuss How the Wickham-Lydia Affair Affects Darcy-Elizabeth’s Relationship (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Influence of Alec and Angel on Tess's Life (বাংলায়)
- Is Tess as Pure Woman? (বাংলায়)
- Hardy's Pessimistic View is Evident in Tess of the D'Urbervilles (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Elizabeth's First Impression of Darcy (বাংলায়)
- How Did Darcy Declare His Love for Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice? (বাংলায়)
- What is Mrs Bennet's Ambition about Her Daughters in Pride and Prejudice? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Elizabeth Turn Down Darcy's Proposal? (বাংলায়)
- Describe Pemberley House as the Setting in Pride and Prejudice (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Sydney Carton (বাংলায়)
- What Does the Broken Wine Cask Symbolise? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on Tellson Bank (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Trial Scene in “A Tale of Two Cities.” (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Attack on the Bastille (বাংলায়)
- How Did Sydney Carton Lay His Life to Save Charles Darnay's Life? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Theme of Hereditary Guilt in “Agamemnon.” (বাংলায়)
- How Does Mr Brocklehurst Ill-Treat Jane at Lowood School in “Jane Eyre”? (বাংলায়)
- How Did Jane Save Mr Rochester's Life? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note about Thornfield Hall (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on Lowood School (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Jane Come Back to Mr Rochester and Marry Him at Last? (বাংলায়)
- What Situation Led Tess to Murder Alec in the Novel 'Tess of the D’Urbervilles'? (বাংলায়)
- Why Did Tess Agree to Marry Angel? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Olympian gods and goddesses delineated in “The Iliad” (বাংলায়)
- Compare and Contrast Hector and Achilles (বাংলায়)
- How Was Prince Killed in 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles'? (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Clytemnestra (বাংলায়)
- Role and Function of the Chorus in Agamemnon (বাংলায়)
- What do You Know about Angel's Sleepwalking Scene? (বাংলায়)
- What Epic Elements Do You Find in ‘The Illiad’? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Dramatic Significance of the Death Scene of Glauce (বাংলায়)
- Consider “Medea” as a Revenge Tragedy (বাংলায়)
- Role of the Nurse in 'Phaedra' by Seneca (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Dickens’ Attitude Towards the French Revolution in “A Tale of Two Cities.” (বাংলায়)
- Bring out the Autobiographical Elements in Charlotte Bronte's “Jane Eyre.” (বাংলায়)
- In What Sense is “Jane Eyre” an Unconventional Novel? (বাংলায়)
- What Factors Are Responsible for the Tragedy of Tess? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Dramatic Significance of the Red Room Episode (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Jane Eyre (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Underlying Themes of the Novel “A Tale of the Two Cities.” (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Jane Eyre (বাংলায়)
- Analyse the Salient Features of the Frogs in Light of the Definition of the Old Comedy. (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate Medea as a Tragic Heroine. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Aristophanes Blend Satire and Fantasy in “The Frogs”? (বাংলায়)
- Narrate the Literary Debate Between Aeschylus and Euripides in ‘The Frogs’(বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Role of the Chorus in “Phaedra” by Seneca (বাংলায়)
- Consider Phaedra as a Tragedy of Unrequited Love (বাংলায়)
- Compare the Characters of Achilles and Hector (বাংলায়)
- Do You Think Phaedra is a tragic Character? (বাংলায়)
- Critically Comment on the Duel between Paris and Menelaus (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Funeral Ceremony of Patroclus (বাংলায়)
- Why did Achilles Withdraw Himself from the War? (বাংলায়)
- Write What You Know about Zeus (বাংলায়)
- What Was Hector’s Last Request to Achilles? (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate the Illicit Relationship between Clytemnestra and Aegisthus (বাংলায়)
- Bring out the Dramatic Significance of the “Red Carpet" Episode in Agamemnon (বাংলায়)
- Briefly Discuss the Dramatic Irony in Aeschylus’ Play “The Agamemnon.” (বাংলায়)
- What is it about Agamemnon's Guilt that Brings Misery into His Life? (বাংলায়)
- Why did Jason Marry Glauce in “Medea”? (বাংলায়)
- What is the Importance of the Entry of the Chorus in “Medea”? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Death Scene of Glauce (বাংলায়)
- Why did Medea kill Her Children? (বাংলায়)
- What Role Does Pluto Play in the play “The Frogs? (বাংলায়)
- What Role Does Dionysus Play in The Frogs? (বাংলায়)
- Justify the Title of the play ‘The Frogs’ (বাংলায়)
- Why did Aeschylus and Euripides Attack Each Other? (বাংলায়)
- Who are the Intellectuals in “The Frogs”?(বাংলায়)
- Narrate the Circumstances Leading to the Death of Hippolytus (বাংলায়)
- What Drives Phaedra to Welcome Death?(বাংলায়)
- How Did Hippolytus Express His Dislike for Womenfolk? (বাংলায়)
- What Happened When Phaedra Tried to Embrace Hippolytus?(বাংলায়)
- Is Jason Fully Responsible for the Tragedy of Medea? (বাংলায়)
- The Subject of the Iliad is the Wrath of Achilles- elaborate (বাংলায়)
- Classics in Translation Suggestion Exam 2022
- Classics in Translation Brief Question
- Consider As You Like It as a Romantic Comedy. (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Rosalind. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Oedipus Finally Discover the Real Identity of the Killer of Laius? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Significance of the Encounter Between Oedipus and Tiresias. (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate 'Oedipus Rex' as a Classical Tragedy (বাংলায়)
- Would You Consider Oedipus Rex as a Tragedy of Fate? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the role of the Chorus in King Oedipus. (বাংলায়)
- What Logic Does Oedipus Give for His Self-Blinding? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Shakespeare’s Treatment of Love (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Shaw’s Treatment of Love, Marriage, and War in the Play Arms and the Man. (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the First Meeting Scene Between Raina and Bluntschli in Shaw's Play Arms and the Man. (বাংলায়)
- Draw a Comparison Between Raina and Louka. (বাংলায়)
- Maurya as a Tragic Character. (বাংলায়)
- Comment on Shakespeare’s Use of Disguise in “As You Like It.” (বাংলায়)
- Role of Fate in Riders to the Sea. (বাংলায়)
- How Does the Sea Work in Riders to the Sea? (বাংলায়)
- Evaluate Riders to the Sea as a Modern One-Act Tragedy with a Classical Setting. (বাংলায়)
- Analyze the Use of Nature in J.M. Synge’s Riders to the Sea (বাংলায়)
- Justify the Title of the Drama The Lion and The Jewel (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Tradition and Modernity in the Play "The Lion and the Jewel". (বাংলায়)
- What Do You Know About Holy Thursday? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Shelley Forbid Men to Mourn for Adonais? (বাংলায়)
- বাংলাদেশের সমাজবিজ্ঞান বিগত সালের (২০১৫) ব্রিফ প্রশ্নের উত্তর
- The Character of Lakunle in 'The Lion and the Jewel.' (বাংলায়)
- Character of Sidi (বাংলায়)
- Romantic Poetry Special Brief Suggestion
- How Does Wole Soyinka Present Women in His Play "The Lion and the Jewel?" (বাংলায়)
- What Does Blake Satirize in "Holy Thursday" in Songs of Experience? (বাংলায়)
- How Does Blake Criticize Society in the Poem "London"? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Conditions of the Chimney Sweepers (বাংলায়)
- What Kind of Person is the Nurse in the "Songs of Innocence"? (বাংলায়)
- How Are the Lamb, the Child, and Christ Connected? (বাংলায়)
- Compare and Contrast the Two Nurses in Blake’s Poems (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Wordsworth Request Milton to Return to England? (বাংলায়)
- What 'Loss' Does the Poet Refer to in 'Tintern Abbey'? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on 'Pantheism' (বাংলায়)
- What Are the Losses and Gains in Life as Mentioned in the Poem "Immortality Ode"? (বাংলায়)
- What Does Wordsworth Advise His Sister Dorothy in "Tintern Abbey"? (বাংলায়)
- Draw the Significance of Death and Life-in-Death in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on Supernaturalism (বাংলায়)
- Point out Keats' Hellenism in Ode on a Grecian Urn (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on ‘the Wedding Guest.’ (বাংলায়)
- What Are the Romantic Elements in “Kubla Khan?” (বাংলায়)
- Why Did the Old Sailor Kill the Albatross, And How Was He Relieved of His Curse? (বাংলায়)
- Briefly State the Theme of "Don Juan Canto I." (বাংলায়)
- Bring Out the Symbolism in Kubla Khan (বাংলায়)
- What Do You Know About Donne Inez's Education? (বাংলায়)
- What is an Allegory? Is The Rime of the Ancient Mariner an Allegory? (বাংলায়)
- How did Juan Manage to Flee from Julia's Bed Chamber? (বাংলায়)
- What is a 'Poetic License'? (বাংলায়)
- Treat Byron as a Revolutionary Poet and a Poet of Freedom. (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Procession of Mourners in "Adonais." (বাংলায়)
- Why did Shelley Choose the God Adonais to Symbolize Keats? (বাংলায়)
- Trace the Romantic Elements in "Adonais" (বাংলায়)
- What Are the Similes Used in "To a Skylark"? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Negative Capability of Keats (বাংলায়)
- How Does Keats Establish the Superiority of the Grecian Urn? (বাংলায়)
- What do You Know About the Grecian Urn? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Effect of the Song of the Nightingale on the Poet (বাংলায়)
- Why Did the People of Thebes Respect Tiresias the Blind Prophet? (বাংলায়)
- In What Situation Did Oedipus Kill His Father? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on the Forest of Arden (বাংলায়)
- What Was the Prophecy of Tiresias about Oedipus? (বাংলায়)
- What Role Does Fate play in King Oedipus (বাংলায়)
- What Was the Oracle's Advice to Get Rid of the Terrible Plague? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Dramatic Significance of the Encounter Between Oedipus and Creon (বাংলায়)
- Introduction to Drama Previous Year Brief (2013-2022)
- Special Brief Suggestion of Introduction to Drama
- Describe the Sub-Plot in As You Like It (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Orlando Write Verses? (বাংলায়)
- What Supernatural Elements Does J.M. Synge Use in “Riders to the Sea”? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Photograph Episode (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Bedroom Episode (বাংলায়)
- What Farcical Elements Do You Find in “Arms and the Man”? (বাংলায়)
- Why is Shaw's Arms and the Man a Drama of Ideas? (বাংলায়)
- What is Higher Love? Discuss Shaw's Conception of Higher Love. (বাংলায়)
- What Are the Seven Stages in a Man’s Life? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Fight in Which Orlando Defeated Charles. (বাংলায়)
- How Does Orlando Save Oliver's Life in the Forest of Arden? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Sidi Marry Baroka at the End of the Play The Lion and the Jewel? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Sidi Reject Baroka's Marriage Proposal? (বাংলায়)
- What Picture of African Polygamous Society Do You Find in The Lion and the Jewel? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Sidi Refuse to Marry Lakunle Without the Bride Price? (বাংলায়)
- How do Nora and Cathleen Serve the Purpose of the Chorus? (বাংলায়)
- How is “Riders to the Sea” a Universal Drama? (বাংলায়)
- Why Does Bluntschli Compare Sergius to Don Quixote? (বাংলায়)
- What is Raina's View on Killing the Fugitives? (বাংলায়)
- What is a One-Act play? What Characteristics of One-Act Play Do You Find in Riders to the Sea? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Significance of Maurya's vision in “Riders to the Sea.” (বাংলায়)
- How Does Baroka Seduce Sidi in “The Lion and the Jewel”? (বাংলায়)
- Introduction to Social Work Previous Year Brief (2010-2022)
- দারিদ্রের দুষ্টুচক্র কাকে বলে
- দারিদ্রের কারণ ও তা দূরীকরণের উপায় উল্লেখ করো
- সমাজ সেবা কাকে বলে? সমাজ সেবার লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্য বর্ণনা করো।
- সামাজিক সমস্যা কাকে বলে?
- নগরায়নের প্রভাবসমূহ লিখো
- পেশা কাকে বলে?
- শিশু কল্যাণ কাকে বলে? শিশু কল্যাণ আইনের স্বরূপ ব্যাখ্যা কর।
- ১৯৮৫ সালের পারিবারিকী অধ্যাদেশ এবং তার ধারা সমূহ বর্ণনা করো।
- সামাজিক আইন কাকে বলে এবং উহার উদ্দেশ্য ও গুরুত্ব আলোচনা করো
- সামাজিক নিরাপত্তা বলতে কি বুঝ?
- আলীগড় আন্দোলনের লক্ষ্যসমূহ কী কী?
- সমাজ সংস্কার কাকে বলে?
- দান সংগঠন সমিতি কি? এর মূল লক্ষ্য ও কার্যক্রম গুলো লিখ।
- ১৮৩৪ সালের দরিদ্র সংস্কার আইনের গুরুত্ব লিখো।
- বিভারিজ রিপোর্টের পঞ্চদৈত্ত ও সুপারিশসমূহ আলোচনা করো
- বাংলাদেশে সমাজকর্মের বৈশিষ্ট সমূহ আলোচনা করো
- সমাজকর্মের লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্যসমূহ লেখো।
- Suggestion of Introduction to Social Work Exam 2023
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- কিশোর অপরাধ কি? কিশোর অপরাধের কারণ গুলো আলোচনা কর।
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- মাদকাসক্তি কি? এ সমস্যার সমাধানে একজন সমাজকর্মীর ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর।
- মানুষের আর্থসামাজিক জীবনে শিল্প বিপ্লবের প্রভাব আলোচনা কর।
- ২০০০ সালের নারী ও শিশু নির্যাতন দমন আইন কি? সমালোচনা সহ এই আইনের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ধারাগুলো বর্ণনা কর।
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- সামাজিক আইন কি? ১৯৬১ সালের মুসলিম পারিবারিক আইন সম্পর্কে আলোচনা কর।
- সমাজকল্যাণ ও সমাজ সংস্কার এবং শ্রমিকদের কল্যাণ সাধনে শেরে বাংলা একে ফজলুল হকের অবদান ব্যাখ্যা কর।
- নারী কল্যাণ ও সংস্কারক হিসেবে রাজা রামমোহন রায় এবং ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগরের ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর।
- ১৮৩৪ সালের দরিদ্র সংস্কার আইনের পটভূমি কী? এই আইনের বৈশিষ্ট্য গুলি বর্ণনা কর।
- ১৬০১ সালের এলিজাবেথীয় দরিদ্র আইনের বৈশিষ্ট্য, গুরুত্ব ও তাৎপর্য বর্ণনা করো।
- সমাজকর্মের সাথে সমাজবিজ্ঞান ও মনোবিজ্ঞানের সম্পর্ক নিরূপণ করো।
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- সমাজকর্ম গবেষণা কাকে বলে?
- সমাজকর্ম পদ্ধতি কাকে বলে? বাংলাদেশে সমাজ কর্ম পদ্ধতির গুরুত্বসমূহ লেখো।
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- সংস্কৃতির সংজ্ঞা দাও
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- বাংলাদেশে স্বাস্থহীনতার যে কোনো পাঁচটি কারণ সম্পর্কে সংক্ষেপে লেখো
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- সামাজিক নিয়ন্ত্রণ কি? সামাজিক নিয়ন্ত্রণে পরিবার ও ধর্মের ভূমিকা আলোচনা করো
- নারীর ক্ষমতায়ন বলতে কি বুঝ? নারীর ক্ষমতায়নে বাধা এবং করণীয় সমূহ আলোচনা করো।
- শিল্পায়ন কি? বাংলাদেশে শিল্পায়নের কারণ ও প্রভাব আলোচনা করো।
- সামাজিক পরিবর্তন কি? সামাজিক পরিবর্তনের মার্ক্সিয় তত্ত্বটি আলোচনা করো।
- সমাজবিজ্ঞানের উৎপত্তি ও ক্রমবিকাশে অগাস্ট কোঁতের অবদান আলোচনা করো।
- সমাজবিজ্ঞানের সংজ্ঞা দাও। এর প্রকৃতি ও স্বরূপ বা পরিধি ও বিষয়বস্তু আলোচনা করো।
- ডুরখেইমের যান্ত্রিক সংহতি ও জৈবিক সংহতির পার্থক্য আলোচনা করো
- লিঙ্গের ভিত্তিতে সামাজিক অসমতা ব্যাখ্যা করো
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- সমাজবিজ্ঞানের উৎপত্তি ও ক্রমবিকাশ আলোচনা কর।
- সংস্কৃতির বৈশিষ্ট ও উপাদানসমূহ আলোচনা করো
- উন্নয়নশীল দেশ বা তৃতীয় বিশ্বের উপর বিশ্বায়নের প্রভাব আলোচনা করো
- বাংলাদেশে সংঘটিত প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগসমূহ আলোচনা করো
- সামাজিক অসমতার উৎপত্তি ও বিকাশ সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করো
- দুর্যোগের সংজ্ঞা দাও | দুর্যোগ ব্যবস্থাপনার পর্যায় সমূহ আলোচনা কর।
- অপরাধ সম্পর্কে সাদারল্যান্ডের তত্বটি আলোচনা করো
- সংক্ষেপে বন শূন্যতার কারণ ও ফলাফল আলোচনা করো
- মহানগরীতে বস্তি বৃদ্ধির কারণ সমূহ আলোচনা করো।
- অগবার্ন প্রদত্ত সংস্কৃতির অসম অগ্রগতি তত্বটি পর্যালোচনা করো
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- রাষ্ট্রের উৎপত্তির ঐতিহাসিক পদ্ধতি আলোচনা কর
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- রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান পাঠের গ্রহণযোগ্য পদ্ধতিটি আলোচনা কর
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- আধুনিক গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রে আমলাতন্ত্রের ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর
- ম্যাকিয়াভেলিবাদ কী? ম্যাকিয়াভেলী বর্ণিত "নৈতিকতার দ্বৈত মানদন্ড” কী?
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- মধ্যযুগের রাষ্ট্রচিন্তার বৈশিষ্ট্য আলোচনা করো
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- রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান কী? রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান অধ্যয়নের পদ্ধতি কত প্রকার ও কী কী?
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- রিপাবলিকে বর্ণিত প্লেটোর আদর্শ রাষ্ট্রের বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ বিশ্লেষণ কর
- প্লেটোর সাম্যবাদ তত্ত্বটি আলোচনা কর
- আধুনিক গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রে আমলাতন্ত্রের ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর
- রুশোর সাধারণ ইচ্ছা মতবাদটি ব্যাখ্যা কর
- ম্যাকিয়াভেলীবাদ কি? ম্যাকিয়াভেলীকে আধুনিক রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞানের জনক বলা হয় কেন?
- সেন্ট অগাস্টিনের রাষ্ট্রদর্শন ও ন্যায়তত্ত্ব সম্পর্কে আলোচনা কর
- রাজনৈতিক দলের সংজ্ঞা দাও | আধুনিক গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রে রাজনৈতিক দলের গুরুত্ব ও ভূমিকা আলোচনা কর।
- স্বাধীনতা বলতে কি বুঝ? আধুনিক গণতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্রে স্বাধীনতার রক্ষাকবচগুলো আলোচনা কর।
- আইনসভা কি? আইনসভার ক্ষমতা হ্রাসের কারণসমূহ আলোচনা কর
- আইনের সংজ্ঞা দাও। আইনের উৎসগুলো আলোচনা কর।
- এরিস্টটলকে কেন রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞানের জনক বলা হয়?
- প্লেটোর ন্যায়ধর্ম তত্ত্ব আলোচনা কর
- বাংলাদেশের ভূপ্রকৃতির বৈশিষ্ট কী?
- ১৯৬৯ সালে গণঅভ্যুত্থানের লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্য কী ছিল?
- সাম্প্রদায়িকতা কি? ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশে সাম্প্রদায়িকতার উদ্ভব ও বিকাশ আলোচনা কর।
- হোসেন শহীদ সোহরাওয়ার্দীর পরিচয় দাও।
- মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বুদ্ধিজীবী হত্যাকার্ডের একটি চিত্র আঁকো
- ১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের যে কোনো দুটো সেক্টর সম্পর্কে লিখ
- অখণ্ড স্বাধীন বাংলা গঠনের উদ্যোগ ও তার চূড়ান্ত ফলাফল ব্যাখ্যা করো
- বঙ্গবন্ধুর স্বদেশ প্রত্যাবর্তন সম্পর্কে টীকা লেখ
- ৬-দফা আন্দোলনকে কেন বাঙালির 'ম্যাগনাকার্টা' বলা হয়?
- বিগত সালের ব্রিফ স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের অভ্যুদয়ের ইতিহাস (২০১৩-২০২২)
- মুক্তিযুদ্ধে মুজিবনগর সরকারের ভূমিকা বর্ণনা কর
- আমাদের জাতীয় জীবনে ভাষা আন্দোলনের গুরুত্ব
- আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র মামলার কারণ ও ফলাফল কী ছিল?
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- ১৯৬৯ সালের গণঅভ্যুত্থানের কারণ ও তাৎপর্য ব্যাখ্যা কর
- ১৯৫৪ সালে যুক্তফ্রন্ট গঠনের পটভূমি আলোচনা কর
- ১৯৭০ সালের নির্বাচনের ফলাফল ও গুরুত্ব বর্ণনা কর
- পূর্ব ও পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের মধ্যে বৈষম্যমূলক নীতিসমূহ আলোচনা কর
- যুদ্ধ-বিদ্ধস্ত দেশ পুনর্গঠনে বঙ্গবন্ধু সরকারের গৃহীত পদক্ষেপসমূহ বর্ণনা কর
- ১৯৬৯ সালের গণঅভ্যুত্থানের কারণ ও তাৎপর্য ব্যাখ্যা কর
- মুক্তিযুদ্ধে নারীদের অবদান আলোচনা কর
- স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের অভভুদয়ে বাংলা ভাষার অবদান আলোচনা করো
- আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ প্রতিষ্ঠার পটভূমি
- মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বঙ্গবন্ধুর অবদান ব্যাখ্যা কর
- What are the Basic Stages of the Writing Process?
- How is an Expository Essay Different From a Narrative Essay?
- English Writing Skills Special Brief Suggestion
- Previous Years Brief English Writing Skills (2014-2022)
- What is a Paragraph?
- Distinguish Between Narrative and Descriptive Paragraphs
- Show the Distinction Between a Comparison Paragraph and a Contrast Paragraph
- What are the Differences Between Cohesion and Coherence?
- What is an Essay?
- What is a Report?
- What is an Executive Summary of a Report?
- What is a Survey Report?
- What is a Letter?
- What is a Business Letter?
- Show the Difference Between a Resume and a CV
- What is a Memo?
- What is a Press Release?
- Differentiate Between a Lead Sentence and a Topic Sentence
- What are the Differences Between Cohesion and Coherence?
- How is a Narrative Paragraph Different From a Descriptive Paragraph?
- Discuss the Differences Between Biodata and Resume
- Formate of Report Writing
- Write a Report on a Woman Commits Suicide for Dowry
- Write a Report on the Blood Donation Program
- Write a Report on the Victory Day Celebration
- Write a Report on the Celebration of International Mother Language Day
- Write a Report on Devastating Fire in Multiplan Centre
- Formate of Letter Writing
- Write a Letter to Your Brother About the Uses and Abuses of Internet
- Write a Letter to Your Parents About Your Feelings About Reading English Literature
- Write a Letter to Your Brother Telling Him About the Bad Effects of Smoking.
- Write an Application to the Head of the Department of English Requesting Him to Arrange the Birthday Celebration of William Shakespeare.
- Write an Application to the Head of Your Department to Arrange Some Extra Classes on English Writing Skills
- Write an Application to the Principal of Your College to Increase Common Room Facilities
- Write an Application to the Principal of Your College for a Seat in the College Hostel
- Format of Memo
- Write an Application to a Company's Concerned Authority for the Assistant Marketing Manager post.
- Write a Job Application for the Post of a Lecturer in English
- Show the Differences Between Press Releases and Minutes
- Brain Drain Paragraph
- Global Warming Paragraph
- Bangabandhu Tunnel Paragraph
- Paragraph of Metrorail
- Paragraph of COVID-19
- Tricks for Paragraph Writing
- Discuss the Differences Between Memo and Letter
- What are the Differences Between Thesis Statement and Topic Sentence?
- How is an Essay Different From a Short Story?
- What are the Differences Between Memo and Notice?
- Trick of Essay Writing
- Self-Employment Paragraph
- Metro-Railway in Bangladesh Essay
- Smart Bangladesh Essay
- Pahela Baishakh Essay
- Digital Bangladesh Essay
- Uses and Abuses of Facebook Essay
- Price Hike Paragraph
- Flood in Bangladesh Essay
- সামরিক শাসন বলতে কি বুঝ?
- স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের অভ্যুদয়ের ইতিহাস সাজেশন
- মৌলিক গণতন্ত্র বলতে কী বুঝ?
- দ্বি-জাতি তত্ত্ব সম্পর্কে আলোচনা কর
- স্পেশান ব্রিফ সাজেশন স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের অভ্যুদয়ের ইতিহাস
- Introduction to Prose Special Suggestion
- How Did the Writer Have His Revenge on the Lady Guest at Last? (বাংলায়)
- What Irony Do You Find in the Story "The Luncheon?" (বাংলায়)
- How Does Tagore Depict the Colonial Rule in His Letter to Chelmsford? (বাংলায়)
- Why Did Tagore Reject His Knighthood? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on Eppie's Character (বাংলায়)
- Introduction to Drama Brief Suggestion
- Introduction to Prose Previous Year Brief (2015-2023)
- Compare the Two Characters Ravi and Raghu in the Story "Games at Twilight." (বাংলায়)
- Point Out the Elements of Irony in "Games at Twilight." (বাংলায়)
- What are Godfrey's Arguments for Adopting Eppie? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Orwell’s Attitude Towards Imperialism (বাংলায়)
- Comment on Tagore's Presentation of the British Raj in his letter to Viceroy Lord Chelmsford. (বাংলায়)
- Why is Bacon Called a Utilitarian Writer? (বাংলায়)
- According to Bacon, What are the Purpose of Studies? (বাংলায়)
- What 'Twin Obligations' Does Mandela Mention? (বাংলায়)
- What Does Mandela Mean by “The Oppressor Must be Liberated Just as Surely as the Oppressed”? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on Rabindranath Tagore's Presentation of the British Raj in His Letter to Viceroy Lord Chelmsford. (বাংলায়)
- What Are the Implications of the Metaphorical Expressions 'Birth,' 'Death,' and 'Re-birth' in "Gettysburg Address"? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Narrator's Character in James Joyce's Short Story "Araby.” (বাংলায়)
- What Picture of Dublin Society Do You Get in James Joyce’s Short Story “Araby”?(বাংলায়)
- Discuss Tagore as a Patriot (বাংলায়)
- How Does James Joyce Show the Romantic Cravings of a Young Boy and the Reality that He Faces in 'Araby"?(বাংলায়)
- Explain Abraham Lincoln's Concept of "Democracy."(বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Silas (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Spiritual regeneration and Realization of Silas in 'Silas Marner (বাংলায়)
- Justify the Short Story's Title, "The Gift of the Magi" (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Della (বাংলায়)
- What Discrimination Does Luther King Find Between the White and the Black? (বাংলায়)
- What is the American Dream? (বাংলায়)
- Write a Short Note on Non-violent Movement in “I Have a Dream”.(বাংলায়)
- Describe the Flat in Which Jim and Della lived (বাংলায়)
- What does Mangan's Sister Represent to The Narrator in "Araby"?(বাংলায়)
- What Does the Narrator Feel About His Home in Araby? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the Class Consciousness in "The Garden Party."(বাংলায়)
- How is the Relationship of the American couple? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Narrator's Inner Conflict in "Shooting an Elephant."(বাংলায়)
- How Did Abraham Lincoln Prove That Democracy is the Best Form of Government?(বাংলায়)
- What Historical Background Led Abraham Lincoln to Deliver His Famous Speech "Gettysburg Address"?(বাংলায়)
- How Does Martin Luther King Point Out the Black and White Discrimination? (বাংলায়)
- Consider Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” as a Charter of Freedom and Equality (বাংলায়)
- How Does Bacon Express His View Regarding Studies? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Bacon’s Prose Style With Reference to His Essays (বাংলায়)
- What Aspects of Child Psychology are Explored in “Games at Twilight”?(বাংলায়)
- Write a Note on the Significance of the Symbols Used in “Cat in the Rain.” (বাংলায়)
- Theme of Alienation in "Cat in the Rain."(বাংলায়)
- How Did the Lady Guest Exploit the Writer at Foyot's in "The Luncheon"? (বাংলায়)
- What Romantic Elements Do You Find in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"? (বাংলায়)
- How does the Poet Express His Joyous Mood at the Sight of the Daffodils in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"? (বাংলায়)
- Illustrate "Shall I compare Thee to a Summer's Day" as a Sonnet. (বাংলায়)
- How does the Poet Want to Immortalize His Friend in "Sonnet 18"? (বাংলায়)
- How does Dylan Thomas Use the Color Images in "Fern Hill"? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Symbols Used in "Fern Hill." (বাংলায়)
- What Image of Childhood Do You Get From the Poem "Piano"? (বাংলায়)
- How Does D.H. Lawrence Depict the Power of Memory in "Piano"? (বাংলায়)
- How Does the Poet Express Her Love in "How Do I Love Thee"? (বাংলায়)
- Describe the Songs of Autumn. (বাংলায়)
- What Are the Sensual Elements in the Poem "To Autumn"? (বাংলায়)
- How did People Receive the Patriot a Year Ago? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Briefly Robert Browning's Philosophy of Life Expressed in the Poem "The Patriot." (বাংলায়)
- How has the Poet Expressed Melancholy and Sadness in "To Daffodils"? (বাংলায়)
- Why does Robert Herrick Compare Human Life to that of the Daffodils? (বাংলায়)
- Introduction to Poetry Previous Years Brief (2021-2015)
- Introduction to Poetry Special Brief Suggestion
- How is Death depicted in the poem "Because I Could Not Stop for Death? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the symbols in "Because I Could Not Stop for Death." (বাংলায়)
- What happened to the pikes kept in a jar? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the imagery used in "Pike." (বাংলায়)
- Write a brief note on "Learning Grief." (বাংলায়)
- What is the Poet's reaction after his sister's death? (বাংলায়)
- Mention some salient features of Wordsworth's attitude towards nature. (বাংলায়)
- What metaphysical qualities do you find in the poem "The Good Morrow"? (বাংলায়)
- Discuss the different stages of love in Donne's The Good Morrow. (বাংলায়)
- Comment on Keats' treatment of nature (বাংলায়)
- Bring out the Regenerative Elements in Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind."(বাংলায়)
- Why does Ulysses Prefer a life of Action and Adventure? (বাংলায়)
- Comment on Emily Dickinson's Treatment of Death in "Because Could Not Stop for Death."(বাংলায়)
- Discuss Milton's 'On His Blindness' as a Sonnet (বাংলায়)
- Discuss Shelley's Optimism with Reference to "Ode to the West Wind." (বাংলায়)
- How has the Theme of Alienation been Worked out in the Poem "Home Burial"? (বাংলায়)
- Explain the Central Theme of Milton's Sonnet "On His Blindness."
- The Conflict Between the Couple Brings Their Relationship to a Breaking Point in "Home Burial" (বাংলায়)
- Theme of Human Experience in Whitman's "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry." (বাংলায়)
- Whitman is Known as a Poet of Democracy (বাংলায়)
- Comment on Tagore's Concept of the Ideal State Exposed (বাংলায়)
- Write an Essay on the Personal Elements in Yeats's poem (বাংলায়)
- What Type of Virtues does Yeats Desire for his Daughter? (বাংলায়)
- How does Thomas Gray Glorify the Common People (বাংলায়)
- How does Robert Herrick Compare Human Life with That of Daffodils?
- Write a Critical Appreciation of the Poem "To Daffodils."
- Dramatic Elements in the Poem "Piano".
- The Garden Party Bangla Summary
- London 1802 Bangla Summary
- To a Skylark Bangla Summary
- The Neo-Classical Period (1660 - 1785) in Bangla
- Adonais Bangla Summary
- Romantic Period (1798 -1832) in Bangla
- Victorian Period (1832 - 1901) in Bangla
- Post Modern Period (1939 - Present) in Bangla
- Renaissance Period (1500 - 1660) in Bangla
- On First Looking into Chapman's Homer Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Modern Period (1066 - 1500) in Bangla
- Ode to a Nightingale Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Ode on a Grecian Urn Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Ode on Melancholy Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Don Juan Canto - 1 Bangla Summary
- London Bangla Summary
- Nurse's Song Bangla Summary - Experience (বাংলায়)
- The Chimney Sweeper Bangla Summary - Experience
- The Tyger Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Kubla Khan Bangla Summary
- Introduction (Songs of Experience) Bangla Summary
- The Rime of The Ancient Mariner Bangla Summary
- Middle English Period (1066 - 1500) - বাংলায়
- Holy Thursday Bangla Summary - Experience (বাংলায়)
- The Old English Period in Bengali
- She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways Bangla Summary
- Holy Thursday Bangla Summary - Innocence (বাংলায়)
- The Lion and Jewel Bangla Summary (বাংলা)
- Nurse’s Song Bangla Summary - Innocence (বাংলায়)
- Riders to the Sea Bangla Summary (বাংলা)
- It is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free Bangla Summary
- Arms and the Man Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Chimney Sweeper Bangla Summary (বাংলায়) - Innocence
- Ode: Intimations of Immortality Bangla Summary
- The Lamb Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- As You Like It Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Introduction (Songs of Innocence) Bangla Summary
- Tintern Abbey Bangla Summary
- Oedipus Rex Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Patriot Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Ulysses Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Ode To Autumn Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Ode to the West Wind Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- To Daffodils Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Araby Bangla Summary
- Games at Twilight Bangla Summary
- Silas Marner Bangla Summary
- The Gift of the Magi Bangla Summary
- Cat in the Rain Bangla Summary
- The Luncheon Bangla Summary
- Long Walk to Freedom Bangla summary
- Home Burial Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Piano Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Fern Hill Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Pike Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Where the Mind is Without Fear Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Learning Grief Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Gettysburg Address Bangla Summary
- I Have a Dream Bangla Summary
- Shooting an Elephant Bangla Summary
- The Good Morrow Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of Studies Bangla Summary
- A Prayer for My Daughter Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- On his Blindness Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Crossing Brooklyn Ferry Bangla Summary
- Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- How Do I Love Thee Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- DU 7 College 4th Year Suggestion 2018-19
- কান্ডারি হুশিয়ার - Kandari Hushiar (Beware My Captain) Bangla Summary
- Withheld Result Meaning - Withheld জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে কেন আসে
- The Lion and the Jewel Bangla Summary Key Info - বাংলায়
- Phaedra- বাংলা সামারি
- Iliad - বাংলা সামারি
- 20th Century Novel Special Brief Suggestion
- 20th Century Poetry Part A B C Full Course
- 20th Century Poetry Full Brief (সেট সাজেশান বিফ)
- The Sun Also Rises Bangla Summary
- Nu 3rd Year Final Suggestion 2019-20
- Harlem Bangla Summary
- The Weary Blues Bangla Summary
- I Too Sing America Bangla Summary
- The Negro Speaks Of Rivers Bangla Summary
- Tree at My Window Bangla Summary
- Acquainted With The Night Bangla Summary
- Road Not Taken Bangla Summary
- The Death of the Hired Man Bangla Summary
- Mending Wall Bangla Summary
- The Birches Bangla Summary
- After Apple Picking Bangla Summary
- O Captain My Captain Bangla Summary
- When Lilacs in the Dooryard Bloom'd Bangla Summary
- I Taste A Liquor Never Brewed Bangla Summary
- I Felt a Funeral in My Brain Bangla Summary
- Wild Nights Wild Nights Bangla Summary
- Easter 1916 Bangla Summary
- Nu 4th Year Syllabus English Department PDF
- Desuggestopedia Bangla Summary
- Audio Lingual Method Bangla Summary
- Communicative Language Teaching Bangla Summary
- Direct method Bangla Summary
- Grammar Translation Method Bangla Summary
- Situational Language Teaching (SLT) Bangla Summary
- Crossing the Water Bangla Summary
- Words Bangla summary
- The Rival Bangla Summary
- Morning Song Bangla summary
- Poem in October Bangla Summary
- The Waste Land Bangla Summary
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Bangla summary
- Sailing to Byzantium Bangla Summary
- The Second Coming Bangla Summary
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree Bangla Summary
- Tess of the d’Urbervilles Bangla Summary
- The Study of Poetry Bangla Summary
- The Grass is Singing Bangla Summary
- Sons and Lovers Bangla Summary
- To The Lighthouse Bangla Summary
- Heart of Darkness Bangla Summary
- A Passage to India Bangla Summary
- The Metamorphosis Bangla Summary
- A Doll's House Bangla Summary
- Mother Courage and Her Children Bangla Summary
- Jane Eyre Bangla Summary
- A Tale of Two Cities Bangla Summary
- Beloved Bangla Summary
- Seize the Day Bangla Summary
- The Hairy Ape Bangla Summary
- Young Goodman Brown Bangla summary
- Introduction to Culture and Imperialism Bangla Summary
- The Metaphysical Poets Bangla Summary
- The Rise of English Bangla Summary
- The Importance of Being Earnest
- Look Back in Anger Bangla Summary
- The Caretaker Bangla Summary
- Waiting for Godot Bangla summary
- The Importance of Being Earnest Bangla Summary
- Pride and Prejudice Bangla Summary
- Crime and Punishment Bangla Summary
- The Outsider Bangla Summary - বাংলায়
- Modern Drama Previous Years Brief
- Literary Criticism(From Victorian to Modern Age)Previous Years Brief
- American Literature: Fiction and Drama Previous Years Brief
- Continental Literature Previous Years Brief Solutions 2017-2020
- American Poetry Previous Years Brief Solutions 2013-20
- Absalom and Achitophel Bangla Summary
- Oroonoko Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Sun Also Rises Bangla Summary
- Gulliver’s Travels Bangla Summary
- Restoration and Eighteenth Century Fiction Quotations
- Nu 4th Year Suggestion 2017-18
- Introduction to Culture and Imperialism Bangla Summary
- The Metaphysical Poets Bangla Summary
- The Rise of English Bangla Summary
- The Life of Cowley Bangla Summary
- Sir Roger at Church Bangla Summary
- Speech on East India Bill Bangla Summary
- Victorian Poetry Previous Years Brief
- The Importance of Being Earnest Bangla Summary
- The Caretaker Bangla Summary
- Waiting for Godot Bangla Summary
- Look Back in Anger Bangla Summary
- The Frogs- বাংলা সামারি
- Medea - বাংলা সামারি
- Agamemnon বাংলা সামারি
- 16th and 17th Century Poetry Selected Quotation
- Introduction to Linguistics Brief Suggestion
- Introduction to Literary Criticism Brief Suggestion
- Victorian Poetry Brief Suggestion
- Restoration and 18th Century Poetry and Drama Brief Suggestion 2018-19
- Restoration and 18th-Century Fiction Brief Suggestion 2018-19
- Introduction to Linguistics Previous Years Brief
- Introduction to Literary Criticism Previous Years Brief
- Restoration and 18th Century Poetry and Drama Previous Years Brief
- Restoration and 18th Century Fiction Previous Years Brief
- 17th & 18th Century Non-fictional Prose Previous Years Brief 2012-20
- Writing Skills Brief Suggestion NU 1st Year
- Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama লেখক ও তাদের সাহিত্যকর্মের পরিচিতি
- Viva Suggestion Masters 2019-20
- Previous Years Brief 16th and 17th century poetry NU 3rd Year
- 17th and 18th Century Non-Fictional Prose Brief Suggestion Session 2018-19
- 16th and 17th Century Poetry Brief Suggestion
- Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Previous Years Brief- from (2012-19)
- Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Brief Suggestion NU 3rd year 2018-19
- Pride and Prejudice Bangla Summary
- Metamorphosis Bangla Summary
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Bangla Summary
- "Poem in October" Bangla Summary
- Silas Marner বাংলা Summary
- The Waste Land Bangla Summary
- Tom Jones Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Restoration and 18th-Century Fiction Brief
- Tips for Viva NU Masters বাংলায়
- South Asian and African Literature Brief Suggestion NU Masters 2020-21
- Prose Brief Suggestion NU Masters 2020-21
- All Literary Terms (বাংলা ব্যাখ্যা সহ)
- Modern Novel Brief Suggestion NU Masters 2020-21
- Modern Drama Brief Suggestion NU Masters 2020-21
- Robinson Crusoe বাংলা Summary
- Modern Poetry Brief Suggestion NU Masters 2020-21
- Shakespeare Brief Suggestion NU Masters (2020-21)
- 16th and 17th Century Poetry Brief Suggestion 2017-18
- Chaucer Brief Suggestion NU Masters 2020-21
- Death of Sir Roger Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- His Account of His Disappointment in Love Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of the Club Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Spectator's Account of Himself Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of Love Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of Revenge Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of Great Place Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of Plantation Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of Truth Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Of Marriage and Single Life Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Paradise Lost Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Easter Wings Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Collar Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Definition of Love Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- To His Coy Mistress Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Death be not Proud Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- Batter My Heart Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- The Canonization Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- The Sun Rising Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- Masters Final Suggestion 2020-21
- NU 1st Year Final Suggestion
- Masters Final Exam Brief Solution 2019-20
- Nu 3rd Year Final Suggestion 2018-19
- The Faerie Queene Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- NU 2nd Year Final Suggestion 2020-21
- Brief Solution of South Asian and African Literature nu masters 2019-20
- Quotations of South Asian and African Literature
- Problems of the untouchable (বাংলায়)
- Character of Velutha (বাংলায়)
- Picture of Indian Society in The God of Small Things (বাংলায়)
- Man is about everything else (বাংলায়)
- Nazrul's use of mythology in The Rebel (বাংলায়)
- Kazi Nazrul Islam as a patriotic poet বাংলায়
- Kazi Nazrul Islam is a great poet of interfaith harmony (বাংলায়)
- The Social and Political Background of Beware My Captain (বাংলায়)
- Sketch the Character of Okonkwo (বাংলায়)
- Okonkwo's life was dominated by fear and the fear of failure and weakness (বাংলায়)
- Justify The Title of the novel Things Fall Apart (বাংলায়)
- Adverse Effects of Capitalism in Petals of Blood - বাংলায়
- The Treatment of Women in African Society - বাংলায়
- The Character of Wanja in Petals of Blood - বাংলায়
- Existentialism in Tree Without Roots - বাংলায়
- Justify the title The Tree Without Roots - বাংলায়
- Character of Rahima in The Tree Without Roots - বাংলায়
- South Asian and African Literature লেখক ও সাহিত্য কর্মের পরিচিতি
- Petals of Blood Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Prose Brief Solution NU Masters 2019-20
- South Asian and African Literature Suggestion 2019-20
- South Asian and African Literature Brief Suggestion
- South Asian and African Literature Previous Brief
- MA Prose Previous Year Brief
- Man Thinking and Mere Thinking - বাংলায়
- The Merchant of Venice Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- Negative capability - বাংলায়
- Prose এ ভালো রেজাল্ট করার কিছু টিপস
- Prose এ পাস নয় বরং ভালো ফলাফল করবেন যেভাবে
- One man divided into many in The American Scholar
- Prose Basic Information
- Prose style of F.R. Leavis (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the Title Literature and Society (বাংলায়)
- Virginia Woolf's Conditions for creative genius (বাংলায়)
- Feminist Elements of Shakespeare's Sister (বাংলায়)
- Conscience rather than the majority should govern the state (বাংলায়)
- Relationship between the Government and the Individual (বাংলায়)
- Civil Disobedience in respect of its theme and style (বাংলায়)
- F.R. Leavis as a Literary Critic - বাংলায়
- Three Main Influences on the American Scholar (বাংলায়)
- Leavis's Objections to Wordsworth's Theory of Poetry
- Relationship Between Tradition and Individual Talent
- Importance of Historical Sense as a Theory of Poetry
- Discuss Eliot's Impersonal Theory - বাংলায়
- Quotations of Prose
- Significance of The title of Shakespeare's Sister বাংলায়
- The Barriers That Woman Faced to Become a Writer - বাংলায়
- Prose Style of Civil Disobedience - বাংলায়
- Transcendentalist Movement বাংলায়
- Prose এর ব্যাসিক ধারণা
- How the American Scholar is influenced by Nature - বাংলায়
- Books are the Best of Things, Well Used; Abused, Among the worst - বাংলায়
- Pre Established Harmony বাংলায়
- MA Prose Suggestions 2019-20
- Modern Novel Brief Solution Masters 2019-20
- Brief Suggestion Modern Poetry Masters 2019-20
- Because I Could not Stop for Death Bangla Summary
- জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ইংরেজি বিভাগে ভালো ফলাফল করার টেকনিক (বাস্তব অভিজ্ঞতার আলোকে)
- ইংরেজী সাহিত্য Vs ইসলাম ধর্ম। ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের ছাত্র হলে এই লিখাটি অবশ্যই পড়বেন
- Masters Modern Novel Quotation
- Content and Style of "The American Scholar" বাংলায়
- জনবল নিয়োগ দেবে ডিসি অফিস, আবেদন শেষ হচ্ছে ২৭ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৩
- বাংলাদেশ চা বোর্ডে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩
- Modern Drama Previous Years Brief (2014-2020)
- Modern Drama Brief Suggestion 2019-20
- অফিসার ক্যাডেট নিয়োগ দেবে বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনী, যোগ্যতা এইচএসসি পাস
- বিভাগীয় কমিশনার কার্যালয়ে নিয়োগ ২০২৩
- The Duchess of Malfi Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- Volpone Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- Macbeth Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- লোকবল নিয়োগ দেবে বন অধিদপ্তর, বেতন গ্রেড ১৫
- Theme of Religion or Religious Elements of Dylan Thomas (বাংলায়)
- Mystic Elements in Song of Myself (বাংলায়)
- Social Consciousness in Auden's Poems (বাংলায়)
- Romantic Elements in W. B. Yeats (বাংলায়)
- Modern Poetry 6 Poets (কবি পরিচিতি)
- Modern Poetry Quotation (বাংলা সহ)
- Modern Poetry Previous Years Brief Solution
- Masters Modern Poetry Brief Suggestion 2019-20
- পল্লী বিদ্যুৎ সমিতি নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩
- একাধিক লোক নিয়োগ দেবে ভূমি মন্ত্রণালয়
- যুব ও ক্রীড়া মন্ত্রণালয় নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩
- বাণিজ্য মন্ত্রণালয় নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩
- ভূমি মন্ত্রণালয় নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩
- Measure for Measure as a problem play (বাংলায়)
- Comment on the dramatic irony that occurs in King Lear (বাংলায়)
- Is Desdemona responsible for her tragedy? বাংলায়
- Sketch the character of king Lear as a father (বাংলায়)
- ডাক বিভাগ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩
- Who is the real hero of the play Julius Caesar? বাংলায়
- Doctor Faustus Bangla Summary - বাংলা সামারি
- Is Hamlet's Madness Real or Feigned? - বাংলায়
- Hamlet's Procrastination in Taking Revenge - বাংলায়
- How far Gertrude and Ophelia prove the validity of Hamlet's observation on the frailty of women? বাংলায়
- Masters Shakespeare Brief Suggestions 2019-20
- The Scarlet Letter Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Old Man and The Sea Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Nausea Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Lord of the flies Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Brave New World Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- You Never Can Tell Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Desire Under the Elms Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Glass Menagerie Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Death of a Salesman Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Song of Myself Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- In Praise of Limestone Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Museum of Fine arts Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Petition Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The shield of Achilles Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- In memory of WB Yeats Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Lullaby Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- An Irish airman foresees his death Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The circus animals' desertion Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Lapis Lazuli Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The municipal gallery revisited Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Gyres Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- A dialogue of body and soul Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Stolen Child Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Among School Children Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Byzantium Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- September 1913 Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Leda and the swan Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- A Coat Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Magi Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- No Second Troy Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Adam's Curse Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Tower Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- When You Are Old Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- After Apple Picking Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Home Burial Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Death of the Hired Man Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- West Running Brock Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Mowing Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Tree At My Window Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Fire and Ice Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Out Out Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Birches Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Oven Bird Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Road Not Taken Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Gift Outright Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Desert Place Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Chaucer Brief Suggestion 2019-20
- Civil Disobedience Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Literature and Society Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Shakespeare's Sister Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The American Scholar Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Tradition and Individual Talent Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Death of a Naturalist Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Casualty Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Requiem for the Croppies Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Blackberry Picking Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Skunk Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Punishment Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Digging Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Follower Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Forge Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Bog Queen Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Funeral Rites Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Hunchback in the Park Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Bidrohi Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Manush (Man) Bangla Summary | মানুষ কবিতার মূলভাব
- Samyabadi Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Prose Brief Suggestion Masters 2019-20
- In My Craft or Sullen Art Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- After The Funeral Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The Force that through the Green Fuse Drivers the Flower Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Tree without Roots Bangla Summary (বাংলা সামারি)
- Things Fall Apart Bangla Summary
- God of Small Things Bangla Summary
- The Tempest Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Julius Caesar Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Othello Bangla Summary (বাংলায় )
- Measure for Measure Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- King Lear Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Hamlet Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- Troilus and Criseyde Bangla Summary (বাংলা)
- The Nun's Priest's Tale Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- The General Prologue To The Canterbury Tales Bangla Summary (বাংলায়)
- ইংরেজিতে অনার্স পড়ার ভবিষ্যৎ কি?